This made my day:

Red Light Camera Company Says It’s Dying Of Coronavirus

We are again being asked to shed a tear for a law enforcement-adjacent industry. Social distancing and sheltering-in-place in response to the coronavirus has led to a downturn in driving. And if there’s fewer drivers on the road, proxy cops are seeing their revenue streams dry up.

Redflex, an Australian company that operates “traffic safety programs” in roughly 100 US and Canadian cities, warned that less traffic and suspended construction amid the pandemic will be a stress on its balance sheet.

“Approximately 15% of group revenue is dependent on volume-based contracts,” the company said in a regulatory filing Monday first spotted by The Wall Street Journal, hinting at its business line that includes enforcement cameras. “We anticipate our revenue from these contracts will be impacted broadly in line with the reduction in traffic volumes as well as the duration of the disruption.”

Good.  Fuck ’em.

Maybe having a business model based on the Constitutionally dubious practice of using red-light cameras doesn’t engender any feelings of good will to you when your business starts to flag.

For the most part, I feel bad for someone who loses their job because of the COVID lockdown, but I’ll make an excuse for these guys.

I can’t wait for cities to start to complain that the lack of speeding and parking tickets during the lockdown is impacting their budgets.  Nothing like revealing that they use tickets as revenue generation and not law enforcement.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “HA HA HA HA HA… F**k ’em”
  1. A company whose business model consists of taking a slice of the traffic ticket revenues is a criminal enterprise that needs to be shut down and never allowed to be recreated. The fact that Australia allows this to exist is a disgrace; the fact that they are allowed to set foot in the USA is even more so.

  2. “I can’t wait for cities to start to complain that the lack of speeding and parking tickets during the lockdown is impacting their budgets. Nothing like revealing that they use tickets as revenue generation and not law enforcement.”

    Why do you think the cops are passing out $500 citations to people sitting in their cars, listening to their radios with their windows rolled up? Or sending two boats to corral and arrest ONE paddle boarder 100 feet from shore?

    Oh… and they claim the citations are issued for ‘public safety’ .. not ‘law enforcement’.

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