I assume he has those to keep the sand out.
In all seriousness, this is a stupid protest. I will still never understand the way some people love to weaponize female anatomy in politics.
The Left: “We support women.”
Also the Left: “Hey Conservatives, be grossed out by our bleeding vaginas!”
This is barely better than tampon earings, or threatening to throw them at lawmakers, or mailing used ones to the governor, or running around dressed as a giant vagina.
These kids want to be taken seriously but as a rule, anybody who makes a display of tampons or wears a velour labia is not a serious person.
“Give up your AR because VAGINA!”
That’s simply tiresome and dumb. What else would you expect from coddled teenagers.
I think it would have had a better impact if it was filled with condoms. Then you could charge them with condom abuse.
So, a snowflake that proposes ineffective and restrictive safety policies on others is offended by useless, restrictive and ineffective safety policies imposed on him?
Meh for “shock” factor, kid. Try harder, if you’re able.
If he had been carrying those a while ago, he might have been able to give some classmates emergency first aid.
OK, been a long day here, I am lost. What is he trying to say/convey here? That he isn’t a man? I really don’t get it.
When you go to a school with a giant pussy like Reichsminister Hogg, you need lots of tampons.
[…] made fun of Cameron Kasky when he shared a picture of a clear backpack full of Tampons. His intention was obvious […]