From the Daily Mail:

So much for Defund the Police! Minneapolis wants to draft in extra cops to help fight wave of violent crime after dozens quit in disgust at $1million budget cut following George Floyd’s death

Minneapolis is scrambling to draft in cops from outside the city’s force to help fight a wave of violent crime just months after it began moves to defund its police.

The city is pleading for reinforcements from the sheriff’s office and the transit authority to help respond to a surge in violent 911 calls.

Why would they volunteer to jump into that shit storm?  They know the city won’t back them.

It comes after dozens of officers quit the force in protest at a $1million budget cut and promises from city leaders to scrap the entire department following the death of George Floyd in May.

Since then, violent crime in the city has soared – with homicide, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, theft and arson all up on last year’s figures.

Who didn’t see that coming? Except for utopian Progressives who don’t live in the real world.

In July, the city council voted to move $1.1million from the police department’s budget and fund ‘civilian violence interrupters’ instead.

The ‘well-trained and unarmed’ staff are designed to ‘mediate violent conflicts and help prevent further trouble’.

Really effective guys at preventing crime.  Bang up job.

That decision let to a 54% increase in homicide, 20% increase in violent assault, and 25% inclined robbery.

The Minnesota Freedom Fighters was formed in late May after the NAACP chapter in the city’s north, predominantly black, neighborhood put out a call for residents to help protect small businesses from violence, fires and looting.

A group of about two dozen men gathered and have patrolled the streets since, carrying AR-15s and Glocks and wearing tactical vests and bandannas.

They have been welcomed by the city, who called their actions ‘commendable’.

When there are no cops you’re on you’re own.

I will say: Leftist standards are so high they’re double.

If a bunch of armed white guys was patrolling the neighborhood, they would be called the Klan.  They already do that to open carry protesters.

Defund the Police has failed everywhere it’s been tried.  It’s the zenith of limousine liberal, rich white Progressive, soft bigotry of low expectations pandering.

Minneapolis made it’s bed, now it has to sleeping in it.  Fuck ’em.

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By J. Kb

12 thoughts on “Hahaha, f**k ’em. Minneapolis police edition.”
  1. If you follow the second city cop blog, Chicago asked for help / mutual aid from some of the surrounding communities, and every one of them declined. Who, in their right minds, in any constabulary force, would voluntarily place themselves in a position in which they would expect to need to use their firearms for self defense, but where, to do so would end their careers, saddle them with legal bills, and put them at risk of imprisonment? I expect that, absent verbal and written assurances from the entire city government, Milwaukee will find similar responses to their requests.

  2. I think some of these “defund” cities may need to bring in guest-worker cops on H-1B visas. Maybe from Cuba, or Venezuela, or North Korea, or…?
    (Bonus points if they don’t speak English. Not speaking the local languages helps keep ’em separate from the subjects. And I’m sure they’ll all be totally up to speed on the current UN rules and regulations, if entirely ignorant of US laws and customs.)

    1. Reminds me of the UN peacekeeping troops from 3rd world hellholes, deployed to US flyover country in Matthew Bracken’s novel “Domestic enemies, the Reconquista” (vol. 2 of his “Enemies” trilogy).

      1. I think it was last year or the year before, a politician in Shitcago was calling for UN troops to be brought in to keep the peace, as the police are a racist lost cause.

        1. The general opinion I hear about UN “peace keeping” forces in the US has been “Those blue helmets sure do stand out.” and “Will one of those blue beanies stop 30-06?”

          My hope is that the UN realizes that the US would treat them as an invader and they would loose most of the troops that they deployed.

          But it would be a good time to pick up some of those rifles like a FAL and other such fun toys off the books

  3. Perhaps they should focus their draft (recruitment?) efforts on social workers and mental health professionals. Nah, none of them would get anywhere near an armed gang banger,

  4. I’d like to see police in all liberal cities resign en masse. Give these people the utopias they want, and offer them no help at all. They don’t deserve it.

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