By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Hahahahahaha F**k Bezos”
  1. Considering that chicken and waffles has been a “hot” food for the last few years, there’s a good chance this was done in innocence.

    But, yeah, fuck ’em.

    1. Sure, that’s possible. But given that the left invents new “racist” meanings for ordinary things that have been around for decades if not centuries, it’s only appropriate for that shoe to drop on Bezos now.

  2. You know, when people want to take offense – anything will suffice. I’d eat pizza for instance and not be offended even though I’m Italian.
    People, get over yourselves. Hey, maybe even grow up. “Let no good deed go unpunished.”

  3. Speaking of Bezos — has he said anything at all about the anarchism in Seattle, his company’s home base? I’m not aware of it. That suggests he approves of what is going on. Not that this will help him when the terrorists decide to attack his headquarters.

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