This could not have happened to a more deserving man. Unfortunately, the armorer is also being charged.

They are up for 2 counts of involuntary manslaughter at 18 months for each count and an special circumstances of it involving a gun for 5 years. This means that they could each be facing up to 13 years in prison.

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By awa

10 thoughts on “Happy Happy Joy Joy Dance — Alex Baldwin Version”
  1. I don’t understand why you are disappointed the armorer is being charged. Weapons on the set were her responsibility, even if she wasn’t there; and from what I’ve read there were enough precursors to indicate there was something seriously wrong with the safety culture. In that case, the armorer has an obligation to fix it; and if it can’t be fixed (e.g. producer overrules the armorer), resigning in protest is both the correct ethical and professionally self-protecting move.
    (I write this as one who has, in the course of his career, resigned from a position for professional ethics, among other reasons … so I’m aware of some of the implications of doing it.)

    1. I do not think that the lady that was serving as the armorer had enough chops for the job.
      The reason for a jury trial is to determine the facts of the case and to make a final judgement on guilt.
      In my research, it appears that the firearm was removed from the control of the armorer before she was done preparing it for the scene. She might not have even been there at the time. Reports are that she was being double booked as both the armorer and the prop master. Again, all of these are facts to be determined by the jury.
      If I am at a campfire and I am asked to show my firearm. I take it from its holster, drop the mag, hand it to my friend. He points it at another friend and pulls the trigger and there is a loud bang. Other friend is now dead.
      I did not kill the other friend. I did not point a firearm at the other friend. I’m sick inside because I didn’t properly clear the weapon before handing it over. I might *feel* responsible, but I am not responsible.
      Finally, in the case I described above, who do you think would be charged?

      1. It would depend on the totality of circumstances, of course, but in your example you certainly would have had a hand in what happened.
        Beyond that, I’d have to leave it to the justice system – assuming its functional – to make a determination re your share of the responsibility. Just as with the armorer.
        By the way … Just my opinion but being too young for the position, double booked, the gun not being ready, etc, are not good excuses nor acceptable explanations. The position she held carries a weight of responsibility, and if she could or would not carry that, her obligation was to resign. She took and kept the job; she accepts the consequences of not doing it properly.

  2. Wait… how can killing one person be two counts of manslaughter? Was she pregnant, or is he being charged twice because he was two people at the time he did it, or…?

  3. @it’s just Boris: “Weapons on the set were her responsibility, even if she wasn’t there”.

    Overall, perhaps. For a gun in _my_ hand? It’s ultimately on me. Also, it’s on my not to point it at someone. Period.

  4. I remember back when this idiocy went down, aesop stopped in and posted millions of pixels in defense of the perp. I wonder where he is now?

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