Police Investigating Hate Crime After Bacon Found At S.I. Ramadan Site « CBS New York.
Police are investigating an unusual bias crime on Staten Island. Muslims who gathered for prayer to celebrate the end of Ramadan in a city park found bacon scattered on the ground,
OK, somebody decided to be funny, it happens. But a note to Muneer Awad of CAIR: if you are going to act offended and gather support, you may want to choose your symbols right.
“Whether burning crosses or swastikas, a small minority are trying to threaten other people,”
Swastikas? The slap of thousands of faceplams are still reverberating.
*headshake* dumbass. nuff said.
Who was it that said, “Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake.”
Yeah, that sounds about right for this.
Rumor has it that it was turkey bacon.
Well, that leaves just paddy’s and links…
You can load up at Costco’s.
Forget to include chops and ground.
My paint ball gun will shoot links for drive-by’s…