The police really seem to want to burn support on both ends.

The Left already hates them and I guarantee the fastest way to get the Right to peel the Thin Blue Line stickers off their rear windows is to pull a taser on them for  buying a bottle of water without a mask.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “He was just following orders”
  1. My “favorite” part of the video is after the guy allows the officer to disarm him without putting up any resistance whatsoever, he stands there silently with his hands over his head, waiting to be arrested.

    And the officer goes on the radio and says “he’s still uncooperative.”

    For years I have been telling people that cops will choose their own paychecks over some stranger’s rights every single time*.

    They’re starting to see it now but I fear it’s too late.

    *if you’re an LEO furiously writing a reply about how I’m wrong, be sure to include a few examples of times when you resigned to avoid enforcing a law you felt violated someone’s rights. It doesn’t necessarily make you a bad person that you’ve chosen your own family’s well-being, via your paycheck and pension and health insurance, over sumdood’s right to own a gun even though he got busted for weed in the 1980s and hasn’t had any trouble since. That’s human nature. But please understand the position you’ve put yourself in is your doing, not mine.

    1. There is a way for a cop to enforce the mask mandate in order to keep your pension and not get fired without being an asshole about it. Simply pointing out that you disagree with the rule as well, but until it is changed, you have no choice but to enforce it. Then suggest that he go to the city council meeting to protest it is the way to go.

      The cop in that video was confrontational from the start. The cop would likely have gotten more cooperation had he simply been friendly about it.

      Some cops WANT the people to cower before them. This guy was one of them.

      1. “you have no choice but to enforce it”

        Exactly. Paychecks over principles, every time. Being polite is nice but at the end of the day the police are the “or else” side of politicians’ statements.

        It will be the same with confiscations.

  2. What wizardpc noted is what stuck in my mind: uncooperative. How? It’s almost like he forgot that he had a camera and he was pre-justifying his use of force over the radio.

    He vas just following ordahs.

  3. That grotesque subhuman animal needs to eat his gun for breakfast.

    PS I say that as a former hardcore member of the ‘blue lives matter’ club.

    Never fucking again will those despicable words leave my mouth.

    *edited for typos

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