This is heartbreaking.

A 31-year-old deputy and his K-9 were killed, leaving behind a wife and baby.

Multiple interactions by a felon on parole with police, including weapons charges and threats, and still he was out on the streets.

This guy made it clear he wanted to die in suicide by cop, which means attacking the police with lethal force, but he was not sent back to prison.

The politicians of California are just as responsible for this officer’s death as the felon himself.

California is a failed state that refuses to enforce laws to protect good citizens from violent human garbage.

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By J. Kb

One thought on “Heartbreaking story of a deputy and K-9 killed by a multiple felon is the direct result of Ca state policy”
  1. Gavin Newsom deserves the same fate or worse for turning California into the biggest cesspool in our country.

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