Not hyperbole.

Remember that the Special Rapporteur that investigated Israel came to the predetermined conclusion that Israel was an apartheid nation that committed war crimes, evidence to the contrary be dammed.

The Special Rapporteur investigating America will come to the predetermined conclusion that America is the most racist, most unequal, most evil country on earth, evidence to the contrary be dammed.

Then the Biden Administration will be forced to invite the UN to do something about it, which means handing over sovereignty to a bureaucratic cesspool that hates us and wants to take us down.

This is a plan to destroy America straight from our Secretary of State.


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By J. Kb

27 thoughts on “Here comes the UN to destroy America”
  1. The replies to that tweet boggle the mind. A large fraction is totally unrelated — with references to various other countries all over the globe. And most of the rest are unhinged radical nonsense, most of it barely parseable.

    Some of the comments talk about the ICC, which of course the US does not recognize for very good reasons, both Constitutional and simple decency ones.

    Are Blue Helmets in the USA next on their schedule?

    1. Probably.

      They’re not going to be able to use the U.S. military against its citizens, not in any wholesale capacity. They’ve gone for the next best thing and crippled it so (in theory) it can’t be used against them.

      1. For them to think of it as “the next best thing” they have to be entirely ignorant of the nature and number of American gun owners. But of course, they are.

        1. I know. This is a key flaw in their thinking. They consider it like a chess game, where a piece removed from the board is no longer in play.

          Kicking out Lieutenant Goodguy or Sergeant Hotlips doesn’t magically turn them into unskilled civilians.

          But like all idiots, they focus on the tools, not the users.

    2. I’m reasonably certain there are at least a million gun owners in the U.S. (give or take a few hundred thousand) who, in the event of a Blue Helmet deployment, will collectively breathe a sigh of relief, smile, and get their rifles ready. I would not want to be a foreign soldier walking into what amounts to the wet dream of a sizable portion of American gun culture.

    1. Civil War 2.0 has been happening for a while now, it’s just that our side hasn’t fought back…yet.

  2. So… will this “Special Rapporteur” be from Pakistan, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela or Cuba?

  3. Wisconsin: fielding the third largest land army every 15 November, since forever.

    I wonder how Blue Helmets compare to Odocoileus virginiana?

    I mean, bag limits, and such?

  4. Rather, they should be transparent with the intent to grow and do better.

    You mean like, teaching the nation’s history — both bad and good points; the slavery, racism, and sexism, but also the laws and Constitutional amendments outlawing them — to all students in publicly-funded, attendance-mandatory schools, so that they hopefully move past the mistakes and never repeat them?

    Kinda like that?

    Or by “transparent” do you mean, concealing all the positive points throughout the nation’s history, and laser-focusing on one negative issue to the exclusion of all else? And by “grow and do better” do you mean, the stated intent will be to improve but the inevitable and predictable result will be to repeat all the same mistakes that “necessitated” the “transparent” reading of history in the first place?

    There is an unbelievable amount of doublespeak in that Tweet.

  5. Here’s a thought experiment- if the UN was to deploy every blue helmet it could get their hands on to Afghanistan, do you think they would be able to pacify that nation? Nope. Even if they had the old Soviet ROE, it would end like every other attempt to rule that country has ended.

    Now, expand it to something the size of the USA.

    Consider now a domestic fight, and what usually happens to someone who steps in- both side tend to turn on the outsider, even if it’s a cop who was called in by one of the involved. Generally, the people of a nation may tolerate a domestically produced tyrant, but will turn on a foreigner.

    1. Thank you for bringing up U.N. efforts in Afghanistan and comparing that to what similar efforts would look like in the U.S.

      People forget the difference in scale between the two nations. So let’s be candid here:

      Afghanistan is a bit smaller than Texas, populated with people who don’t care who’s in power and just want to go about their business, and the whole of the U.N. couldn’t deploy enough troops to pacify and keep control of it.

      Now imagine the U.N. trying to send troops to pacify and control a nation nearly 12 times the size of Afghanistan (contiguous states only — not counting Alaska), with a sizeable segment of the population sighting in their rifles and feeling real froggy at the thought of foreign blue helmets on their native soil.

      To say the U.N. doesn’t stand a chance is an understatement.

  6. Blue helmets would get deployed to the big cities and would get robbed blind by the gangs, giving them lots of military grade hardware. The countryside would be a nogo zone as any convoy would be potshotted along their entire route. The only place they would be able to safely operate would be the suburbs and small cities.

  7. The notion of the UN “Human Rights” organization reviewing the USA is analogous to appointing a committee of Mafia bosses to produce a performance review of the Attorney General.

    This action has to be the stupidest idea in the history of diplomacy. Even the Ribbentrop/Molotov pact was a brilliant notion by comparison.

    1. The U.N. Human Rights Council (HRC) regularly reviews Israel, finds them an apartheid state, and tries impose sanctions.

      It doesn’t help that the HRC has representatives from some of the worst human rights violators on the planet. It makes them a joke and a sham, but it doesn’t help.

      The HRC reviewing America — one of Israel’s closest allies — is just the next logical step. The whole idea is not any less ridiculous or stupid, but it is the next logical step.

      1. Yes. If you dig a bit deeper, you will find that the primary activity of the UN is antisemitism. It may not be quite the majority of everything they do but it certainly comes close. As I recall, Israel has been attacked by the UN more than all other countries combined.

        The one good thing I can see coming from this is that it might finally convince enough people that the UN needs to go. (Or at least needs to be ejected from the USA.)

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