If you live in the south, you are probably familiar with the Waffle House Index.

Waffle House restaurants are open 24/7.

If a major storm, like a hurricane comes through,  they are usually the last to close and the first to open.

They actually have a crisis team to go into disaster areas and get Waffle House restaurants back up an running.

The Waffle House Index is a tongue in cheek but very real measure of how an area is doing by how many Waffle House restaurants are closed and/or are serving only their limited crisis menu.

If you want to know just how badly the Biden Administration fucked this country, this is a good metric:


Waffle House had to go to its crisis menu without there being a natural disaster.

Yeah, it’s that bad.

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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “Here is how f**ked everything really is”
  1. Picky grammar point: “it’s” is a contraction. “Its” is the possesive form. It’s a common error, and, with the changes in our schools over the last few decades, it’s only becoming more common.

    1. He sure isn’t fixing anything. The Democrat motto is after all Never let a crisis go to waste

      If these people were competent as they seem to be malicious though we’d either not be in the mess or in real trouble.

      1. The people currently in power in DC and states like California, New York and Illinois are working diligently to fix the economy.

        Just as a veterinarian works diligently to fix a male dog or cat…

  2. This isn’t Biden’s fault. Not defending the guy but blame go where it is do,

    Biden or his people rather are gleefully taking advantage of the mess but the fear mongering response and the stimulus started under President Trump.

    He response laced leadership and we are where we are now. Still gonna vote for any Republican but truth is truth.

    Biden’s people couldn’t fix this mess if they wanted too which they don’t.

    Besides none of the Southern states are still on extended unemployment as far as I know. Hell California is off extended unemployment now!

    Simply people don’t want to to back to work at those jobs under those conditions and I suspect many have found a way to get by.

    A long explanation of the great resignation and why its happening


    The gist of it

    If you want people to put up patiently with long hours of drudgery at miserably low wages, subject to wretched conditions and humiliating policies, so that their self-proclaimed betters can enjoy lifestyles they will never be able to share, it’s a really bad idea to make them stop work and give them a good long period of solitude, in which they can think about what they want out of life and how little of it they’re getting from the role you want them to play

    And note with companies like Blackrock capital making home ownership impossible and forcing people to be rent serfs for life, there is increasingly less reason to take a perceived (it doesn’t matter if its real perception counts) risk of your life for the greater benefit of someone else’s bottom line. .

    You want hard work? Pay for it. Make sure housing is affordable, the society reinforces conditions where marriages are stable and men and women expect to have families.

    You get everyone to bust their but at this point but otherwise you’ll get what every 3rd world country gets, they pretend to pay me. I pretend to work and than I do my side gig.

    Oh and throw in some drugs too.

    Sow reap.

  3. Actually FEMA uses the Waffle Indicator for assessing recovery post storms/catastrophes. Not the only one but they do officially use it.

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