The head of the NYPD Police Benevolence Association gave a speech in which he attacked the Leftist mayor and local government for the way they handled the protests and stabbed the NYPD in the back during the riots.

He’s not wrong about anything he said.

On the other hand…

I spent the last two months chronicling how the Waffen NYPD was just following Mayor Bill de Blasio’s orders to on his solution to the Orthodox Jewish problem to make the streets of Brooklyn Judenfrei during COVID.

So the fact that New York City’s Fuhrer sabotaged his stormtroopers when the political winds shifted is both totally historically precedent and totally devoids me of empathy for them.

De Blasio empowers them to empty Synagogues during Sabbath prayers then lets black and Leftist rioters pelt them with bricks.

The whole thing is a shit show that furthers my desire to see it all burn to the ground.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “He’s not wrong, but f**k him anyway”
  1. The NYPD Police Benevolence Association was fine with rousting Jews and enforcing social distancing edicts from Gracie Mansion. They have vociferously supported draconian gun control legislation. Now when the scorpions in City Hall and Albany have stung the frogs in the middle of the river, the PBA turns on the Mayor. I’d be more sympathetic if I thought they would support conservative mayoral and gubernatorial candidates in the future, but I know better, f-’em.

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