Florida is a law and order state.
Looting and lawlessness will not be tolerated. pic.twitter.com/8Ma9RuSlPq
— Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) October 1, 2022
I’ve said it before, Florida gets a lot of shit, but one thing Florida does right is that Florida only has to learn a hard lesson once.
It is well understood by locals that looting is not tolerated at all.
People put a lot of effort and money in hurricane preparedness. Looting someone’s hurricane stash is an affront well and above burglary.
Florida people know this.
I suspect that DeSantis is saying this for the benefit of the recent COVID transplants from New York, California, and elsewhere where looting after a riot or disaster is commonplace.
Like people from ‘Chicago’ that try and re-distribute wealth.