From David:

The reply:


They say a picture is worth a thousand words.  So this is a picture of what the AFL-CIO is going to do to Hogg’s budding company.

I can’t wait until two woke jackasses who know nothing about operating a manufacturing company that distributes a physical good try to negotiate with some salty union pipehitters.

The first time a bunch of union workers are forced to give their preferred pronouns at a morning meeting that place is going to go on strike until it’s bankrupt.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Hogg’s pillow company has failed and it’s not even incorporated yet”
  1. Look at that first tweet… He’s looking for an already extant pillow manufacturer.

    Hogg’s plan to create his pillow company is the same plan he used to become a school shooting survivor: be in a completely different building, let someone else do the difficult bit, and claim credit for it.

  2. Ish hit the nail squarely on the head.

    In Hogg’s little progressive mind, MyPillow was a successful company because they sold pillows. A pillow is a pillow. And, Mike Lindell is a successful businessman NOT because he spent years coming up with a type of fill that let people adjust their pillow to their fit, but because right wing nut jobs will buy from right wing nut jobs.

    So his business plan is to sell pillows, and any pillow will do. See, simple.

    I plan on building a business to rival SpaceX. All I need to to is send out tweets asking for a company that can manufacture rockets, and launch people into space. See, simple

    1. Hogg also evidently thinks the employees of My Pillow are being exploited by the evil right-wing Rich Uncle Pennybags Mike Lindell, as evidenced by their not being in a union.

      Hogg also doesn’t want to do the job of trying to convince those same exploited workers into joining a union. That’d involve having to actually talk to them… and they all live in Flyover Country. Eww.

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