According to the internet Concern Trolling is defined as “the action or practice of disingenuously expressing concern about an issue in order to undermine or derail genuine discussion.”

Enter Emma Gonzalez:

With David Goebbels Hogg doubling down:

This is what happens when you get high off your own perceived celebrity status.

American’s have been blowing shit up for Independence Day since 1776.

It is a 242 year old tradition.

But Gonzalez and Hogg are going to try and stop it.

In fact, this is the worst thing you can do for people with PTSD.  One of the better treatments for PTSD is Prolonged Exposure Therapy, where suffers are exposed to traumatic stimuli until that stimuli stops being traumatic.

The more people with PTSD are coddled, the more debilitating it becomes.  They retreat into their trauma.

If a person’s PTSD comes from something like a shooting, if they are treated like a mental invalid, eventually every loud noise, e.g. pounding on a nail with a hammer, dropping a large object, etc, causes more trauma.

Gonzalez and Hogg are trying to destroy America’s oldest national tradition in the pursuit of bad psychology.

They are getting carried away and need to be dragged back down to earth.


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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Horsesh*t concern trolling”
  1. That bit about “avoidance isn’t the answer” reminds me of one of the core plot elements in Rolf Nelson’s excellent “Heretics of St. Possenti”.

  2. Is there really anyone who is so clueless as to need to be “informed” that there will be loud noises on the 4th of July? Maybe a fresh-off-the-boat immigrant.

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