When we go from quoting this:


To parading this:

The sad part is that the people tagging us with the “freedumb” moniker, are not in control of their security but they relinquished it the State with the conviction they will be perfectly taken care of.  What they do not know is that the State’s version of security is very similar to a chicken coop: As long as you provide the state with “eggs” (taxes and other contributions) and don’t peck on other chickens, you will have a nice confined life. The moment you stop producing or are a threat to other chickens, off the the soup you go.

Freedumb? You must mean Free Range, my dear future KFC 2-piece meal with biscuit.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

11 thoughts on “How can you tell we are moving in the wrong direction.”
  1. The freedumb quote has it backwards.

    I believe other people’s rights outweigh my personal safety. That’s one of the implications of supporting, say, the right to keep and bear arms for everyone, not just me.

  2. It’s an entire victim mentality. Was going through ‘diversity’ training at work (based off of CRT) and they stated that people who ‘suffer microaggressions’ tend to experience them a lot. Maybe it’s not because people around them are biased but that they are perpetually offended and looking for things to complain about.

    They want other people controlled but will be completely surprised when it’s their turn for ‘re-education’.

  3. Meh. If, say, it was discovered that tattoos can cause other people to become ill, they’d be quoting Franklin within seconds.

  4. They are idiots. My personal freedom is more important than my own life.
    Americans do not live as slaves.

  5. As a member of society, I do hold a responsibility to monitor my own behavior and actions to ensure I do not become a danger to others. I drive my car at a reasonable speed, I do not dump poisons and pollutants into open water sources (or even just onto the ground). I will move or pick up things that are tripping hazards, or tell someone that they dropped something. Etc…

    But, no. I am not going to submit to HOA President wanna-bes and willingly give up my freedom of movement, freedom of breath, and freedom to take personal risks as I see them because there is an overhyped disease out there.

    If you want to lock yourself in the basement, go ahead. But, if you choose to come out into public, you are going to expose yourself to risks. And, it is not society’s responsibility to prevent that. It is yours.

  6. Alshually!, Personally, I care more about washing my truck, than Cletus’ (or Karen’s) delusions regarding what constitutes “safety”.

    Indeed, if “safety” is Paramount, then socialism, of whatever stripe, should be a shooting offence, due to the bloody toll it exacted in the 20th century.

  7. The photo doesn’t show it, but a safe bet that the model wearing the shirt is plastered with body graffiti (tattoos), has pieced nipples, a nose ring, a “man bun”, and drives a Prius with a Bernie sticker on the back. Would fit with the stereotype, anyway.

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