By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “How Congress treats our troops”
    1. Why treat them as well as they treat their dogs? This gives us a look into what politicians think of all the servant class, us included.

  1. And these are the people the democrats plan on using to go door to door to confiscate all guns by force and kill every United States citizen found with a firearm (that isn’t antifa or BLM) when they pass legislation banning private gun ownership and the mandated extermination of every single United States citizen that owns guns along with every family member in a gun owners home that does not fully support the state killing there immediate family members for owning guns. Along with with the additional legislation mandating the complete a d total extermination of every single United States citizen that voted for Trump and every single United States citizen that opposes the extermination of every single United States citizen that voted for Trump.

    But first they need to pass legislation in where any of these people either voted for Trump or own guns are to be expelled form the military if not just outright killed. Including veterans. Like what Stalin did only this would involve the execution of every solitary member of the Armed Forces. Because while the military brass is fully onboard with the complete and total mandated extermination of the entire United states population that voted for Trump, owns guns or opposes the democrats at all most soldiers right now are not . Yet.

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