Just when you think the Kingdom of Cuomo cannot get any lower, they open a new shaft and go down.  Too many old farts from nursing homes dying? Move the frigging goalposts.

New York has omitted an unknown number of coronavirus deaths in recent reports regarding residents of nursing home and adult care facilities, the New York State Department of Health acknowledged in a statement to the Daily Caller News Foundation.

In early May, those reports quietly began omitting long-term care residents who died of coronavirus in hospitals. Even so, New York still leads the nation with 5,433 reported deaths at nursing homes and adult care facilities as of Wednesday.

EXCLUSIVE: New York Admits Knowingly Undercounting Nursing Home Deaths After Quietly Changing Reporting Rules

When everything else fails, fudge te numbers. Lie.

New York’s coronavirus tracker “currently does not include out of facility deaths,” NYSDOH spokeswoman Jill Montag told the DCNF. “Deaths of nursing home and adult care facility residents that occurred at hospitals is accounted for in the overall fatality data on our COVID-19 tracker.”

And have a good excuse if you get caught.

Montag told the DCNF that the state is opting to not disclose out of facility deaths “in order to maintain consistency and reliability in the data as presented, and to avoid any potential for double-counting.”

Bullshit. The numbers were making His Excellency Cuomo look bad and that might be fatal for his chances at the Presidential nomination come the convention.

Of the nine states with the largest coronavirus outbreaks at long-term care facilities, according to a New York Times tracker, New York is the only state that omits the deaths of residents who died at hospitals from its reporting.

And that is just now, in the past two week that they decided to their version of Common Core statistics.

The NYSDOH did not respond to the DCNF when asked if it disputes that the state is omitting at least 479 adult care facility residents that died from coronavirus at a hospital in its reporting on long-term care deaths.

The department also did not respond when asked what the health benefits are of concealing the deaths of long-term care residents who died in hospitals from its reporting on long-term care coronavirus fatalities.

I am they hard at work trying to come up with another excuse/explanation and probably blame Trump while at it.

And don’t forget: We (the rest of the country) are supposed to bail the city from its financial burden acquired wile sleeping at the switch and encouraging people to ignore Coronavirus and mingle in the streets.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “How did NYC reduce the number of deaths in Nursing Homes? Just don’t count them.”
  1. Cuomo owns nursing home deaths in New York. His orders caused the likely avoidable deaths of thousands of people. They knew from the start that this virus ravaged the elderly. Watching the Left fawn over this despot is sickening, but it’s also not surprising. The Left worships death.

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