By removing as many Republican Congresspeople as possible.

Rep. Mikie Sherrill (D., N.J.) has gone public with an extraordinary allegation against some of her colleagues that they conducted secret surveillance in a conspiracy with rioters at the Capitol. If true, those members could be criminally charged and expelled from the House. Conversely, if Sherrill has no such evidence, she could (and should) face a resolution of censure or resolution.
Sherrill said in a Tuesday night Facebook live address to her constituents that she witnessed the surveillance personally. She said unidentified members of Congress “had groups coming through the Capitol” in “a reconnaissance for the next day.” Sherrill pledged to see those lawmakers “are held accountable, and if necessary, ensure that they don’t serve in Congress.”

Democratic Member Accuses Colleagues Of Conducting “Surveillance” For Capitol Rioters

No evidence is needed. She just needs to level the accusation, whisper “in secret” who she thinks did what and let the lynching mob do the rest. Soon mobs will be posted outside the homes of certain member of congress (who will suddenly will no longer rate any protection), Social Media banning them from their platforms and other goodies to just scare them to death into inaction.  This is pure, 100% unadulterated Socialist shit like I have seen before in Venezuela.

I do believe the Democrats will outperform dear old Hugo Chavez in their quest for absolute power.  At least Hugo took 2 and a half years to take  Venezuela in the shithole highway. At this rate, I believe Pelosi and Company will be doing the same before Labor Day.

Hat Tip Rogelio Da’Sconce

PS: I was dutifully spanked by a reader who pointed out Filibuster happens in the Senate.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “How do you stop the possibility of Filibuster in the House?”
  1. Good Lord — the Democrats routinely invite mobs into the Congressional buildings for “protests”. And giving constituents a tour isn’t “surveillance”.

    BTW — I don’t think filibuster is a thing in the House.

  2. Chavez didn’t have Twitter and Facebook backing him to the hilt. Things today move at the speed of social media.

  3. I see show trials and denunciations in our future, maybe a couple public executions as well.

    Sadly this is where the dems are taking us and at an insane pace.

  4. Remember that Schiff-for-brains and Fang Fang’s boyfriend both said that they had evidence of Trump collusion with Putin for years, even though the DNI said it was bullshit.

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