One thing I have been meaning to talk about is how much personal info can be put out there without your knowledge. I am not talking about being hacked or somebody cruising through your garbage nut friend, relatives and even workers that come to your house armed with a now commonplace device: smart phone.
If you are half awake, you have already gone thorough your phone’ and you kid’s phone setting and blocked any geo tags or exif data that may give too much info. And I am sure that you do not share more info than necessary on social media and your kids have been properly warned and being the nice angels they are, they follow your advice. But what about people coming into your house?
Traipsing around certain sites and social media places, I have noticed some people posting pictures the insides of private residences and certainly without the consent of the home owners. From what it is inside the medicine cabinet to some knickknacks it attracted their attention to big-ticket items. Cameras are no longer the cumbersome box that would attract attention (Unless you had a Minox) but a simple item that is so common, nobody gives it a second look.
Your thoughts on how to counter/stop/control this unnecessary flow of private information?
Easy, only let your closest friends and family over that don’t like their pictures taken or even better go to other people’s houses rather Tha yours
I’ve taken to being very paranoid when doing an internet voice chat when RL friends are around(often I’ll mute the microphone while talking to them), because they’ll casually refer to me by my real name without any thought for who might be on the other end or even that their voice carries through the microphone. It’s actually refreshing to encounter someone who makes an effort to keep their identity hidden.
Whenever I take photographs inside a place I live, I usually minimize the frame or otherwise set up an improvised photo booth, though that has as much to do with the existing mess as it does with privacy.