The original is in Spanish, so you will be reading a browser translation which is pretty accurate.

The Provincial Court of Palma de Mallorca has decreed the file of the criminal proceedings against a man who was denounced by his ex-partner for feeling compelled to practice oral sex as long as she did not return the 15,000 euros that he had lent him.
The judges have concluded that there was no crime of coercions because it was “a freely agreed relationship” between them. It emphasizes that sexual intercourse ceased “because of her refusal to maintain it,” without that opposition having “another consequence than debt claim.”
The legal process began after R.M the brother of his ex-wife, with which he had always had a good relationship, was reported to police.
The woman claimed that, due to financial problems she had, she asked her ex-partner for help, J.R. He entered him into an account 15,000 euros, without stipulating the form or the repayment period, “remaining that he would do it as he could.”

I am not saying it is not demeaning, but if it was a voluntary agreement between the parties, suck it up, Buttercup. But this is what is bothering me:

According to the complainant, the man later told him that “because of the favor he had done him, he had to do him two or three ‘bottles’ [congratulations] a week and that as long as the debt remained he had to make him ‘xiribeba’ [fulana].”
This was the case five times, when she practiced oral sex to her ex-partner inside his vehicle.

That was 15 instance of oral sex in exchange for 15,000 Euros or over  $18,000. Those were $1,200 a pop for a suction job inside a car, not even a comfy location.

He got fleeced.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.