From NBC News:

Informal discussions begin on 9/11-style commission on coronavirus response
The “preliminary” talks about a look at the response are taking place mostly among Democrats for now.

Informal discussions have begun on Capitol Hill about the possibility of creating a panel to scrutinize the Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus pandemic that would be modeled on the commission that investigated the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, according to four people familiar with the discussions.

They described the discussions as “very preliminary” and involving mostly congressional Democrats.

If this is true, then I suspect that the Democrats believe that Trump will win reelection and they are setting the stage for a second term Trump impeachment based on what they claim was an inadequate response to the Coronavirus outbreak.

Here is the problem.  It seems that much of inaction came from the Democrats and media.  Miquel noted earlier, you can’t memory hole the anti-Trump media headlines from January and February.

If this goes down, the Democrats will try and prove that Trump needs to be impeached for the Coronavirus outbreak that was caused by Democrats not acting just to be contrary to Trump.

Essentially the “it’s Trump’s fault I fell down on my job” defense of the mayor of New Orleans will be the articles of indictment against Trump.

They can try but I don’t think that the American people who put up with a first impeachment over bullshit will put up with a second.  Especially since while the first impeachment was over some minutia of the law and foreign policy that a lot of people really didn’t understand, this evidence against this one is widely available and plain as day.

Impeaching Trump because NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio told people to go to a Chinese parade to spite the false accusation of Trump’s racism will not fly with the American people, at all.

I doubt that such an attempt will end well for them or this country as a whole.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “How the DNC could turn the Coronavirus into the boogaloo”
  1. This is weaker than both the Russian Collusion and Impeachment charges combined.

    These people are delusional.

  2. NOLA mayor LaToya Cantrell: “When it’s not taken seriously at the federal level. It’s very difficult to transcend down to the local level in making these decisions.”


    And Trump declared firearm-related businesses as “essential” and exempt to the shut-down order, and the State of Louisiana preempts local gun laws enacted after July 15, 1985, but that didn’t stop her, did it?

    Y’know, because that wasn’t being “taken seriously at the federal level”, either, right?

    Really, Ms. Mayor, if you don’t think the is doing enough, you have the power to do better. But you didn’t, because by not doing more you could enjoy the economic benefits the tourism brings AND try to blame it on the Bad Orange Man.

  3. “Leadership matters at every level of government in America.” Yet apparently she can’t think for herself and has to be told by the federal government what to do. She is, however, following in the footsteps of her role model, Ray Nagin, New Orleans mayor during Katrina.

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