Before the election I read about racial violence and race riots in major American Cities associated with #BlackLivesMatter.

Before the election I read about rabid antisemitism on UC System campuses.

After the election I read about protests and Calexit.

I remember when it was the unhinged, white supremacist, far right that was calling for race wars, attacks on Jews, and secession.

Somebody needs to get the Progressive Left a really big mirror.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “How the world has turned”
  1. Imagine Calexit. Within a decade California would be more like Honduras or Venezuela than anywhere in America. If there weren’t good, patriotic citizens/gun owners living outside the cities there I’d say we should petition Washington to let it happen.

  2. I live in this California nonsense and stupidity. You could add up the IQs of SF, LA, and San Diego residents and not reach moron level.

    I would welcome Calexit and thus precipitate the departure of true Americans and then let them conduct their doomed to failure social experiment in hard Left politics without restraint. In a few years after they have died off we can come back and recolonize it.

  3. “I remember when it was the unhinged, white supremacist, far right that was calling for race wars, attacks on Jews, and secession.”

    I do not remember this? I hear a lot of progressives accusing the right of this villainy with no proof. I do remember that the Democrat Terrorist Arm called the Ku Klux Klan was killing and lynching Republicans and Black men and women for almost a hundred years.

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