By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “How to deal with ANTIFA’s no-go-zone”
  1. Something is very baffling. Do a search for “seattle capitol hill autonomous zone” and you will find NO mention of it in anything remotely resembling mainstream US media. Crickets.
    I see various obscure blogs I’ve never heard of before. And an article in the Australian paper Daily Telegraph (hidden behind a paywall). Oh yes, and an article in the new Pravda (“RT”, the Russian propaganda outlet).
    But nothing to speak of in the USA. Not even from Fox. Not even from Seattle-area news outlets. What gives? Is this thing actually fiction? If it’s real, why is it not reported?

    1. The local Fox affiliate’s website mentions the Pantyfa idiocy being allowed in Seattle:

      * Protesters take over streets outside abandoned SPD East Precinct

      * Hundreds of protesters enter Seattle City Hall along with councilmember Sawant

      Your search probably didn’t get any hits because few if any on the MSM are currently calling this Pantyfa commie stunt as “capitol hill autonomous zone.” Only reports calling it that are coming (so far) for people using the Twatter.

      * ‘Now leaving the USA’: Militant protesters in Seattle have set up barricades and created the ‘Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone’

      * Protesters took over Seattle’s City Hall after a councilmember unlocked the door and let them in

  2. Those are originally Caterpillar dozers. We should be able to give a couple to some rednecks and have some that are as well armored and better armed.

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