This is Antifa in Portland advancing on police in a regimented shield wall calling a cadence like a Greek Phalanx.

There is a very effective way to stop this:


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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “How to defeat a plywood and trashcan shield wall”
  1. I live a couple hundred feet from the North Precinct, which is the one shown in this video, that has been one of the main epicenters of rioting in this city.

    How, exactly, does someone request a close air support mission by an AC-130U “Spooky” Gunship? Is there a form I have to fill out? An 1-800 number I can call…?

  2. Would be interesting to see. Im suprised it hasnt happened yet. Couple guys 2-3 stories up with a couple 22s and a bag of potatos….

  3. You don’t want to create martyrs right before the election. These are people who just had a twice-deported illegal alien and a convicted torturer and murderer speak at their convention. Don’t give them any ideas.

  4. Another way to stop this?
    Overwhelming force and a little determination. Both absent from Portland Oregon and Seattle Washington.

    Let them gather, let them start their nightly violent BS, call it Riot, Demand dispersal, give them reasonable time to leave, then:
    Bring in lots of police, NG, Regular Army, whoever, and surround the entire crowd. No one in or out. Squeeze them together. Order them to STFD, and STFU. Give them time to settle down and accept their fate. Then, one by one, remove them to be arrested, processed, and put on buses to the jail, or detention facilities. You cut them out just like livestock on their way to castration and branding.

    I saw this work in Minneapolis Minnesota on Sunday May 31, after the Boy Mayor and the idiot Governor finally called out the whole Minnesota Guard and every State Police Officer including Game Wardens and Prison Guards.

  5. Actually, there are four physical ways not involving guns by people facing the shield wall to break it.

    Way #1: Find a weak point, grab the shield, yank it towards your line. The body attached to the shield will follow. Take care of the meat puppet. Continue pulling idiots forward out of the shield wall.

    Way #2: Make a column of heavy dudes, run column into weak spot in wall (those stupid round shields are a good point.) Punch through then break into the rear area and go gonzo. As your column punches through, the outsides of the column eat away at the line of shields, opening a bigger and bigger hole.

    Way #3: See all those exposed legs underneath the shields? Guess what? If they aren’t covered by the shields, they aren’t protected by the shields. Easy targets for chains or pole-mounted weapons or just poles whacking back and forth. Once the idiot falls to the ground with whacked legs (either just bruised the snot to heck or broken, meh, don’t care) then effect an assault upon the line. Or just keep whacking. As a hole opens up, the shieldmen to either side will have their arms and bodies exposed, so just keep whacking, opening a hole. Exploit the hole.

    Way #4: Approach with your own shield wall. Have people behind or interspersed within your wall whack the idiots on their heads with poles or pole-mounted weapons (don’t care if the receivers are wearing helmets, hit them hard enough and you’ll make them stumble and fall.) Keep just whacking away at any body part that is exposed. Once enough shields are down (a shield wall really needs 3-4 ranks of shields or a shieldman-feeder system to fill holes) then exploit the hole.

    A combination of 2 ways works great. Three combined works fantastic. All 4 methods means success to your side, defeat to theirs.

    Have your own missile troops aimed at hitting problem people on their side – the organizers, the stalwart one who just won’t fall.

    Or use a truck or other large vehicle to ram.

    Or shoot them. Shooting them works.

    1. Re #4: make it an actual phalanx — a wedge formation. That will go through a rectangular formation like this one.

      1. That’s a combo of #2 and #4. Works very well unless the enemy shieldwall knows how to ground properly, which, as William found at Hastings, works very well. Until he suckered the idiots out of the line. and basically rolled up the wall from the flanks.

        The other techniques, yanking people out, pushing people in, playing whack-a-mole on shields, work well against an ungrounded or grounded shieldwall.

        Grounded shield walls – definition – one that is stable and strong enough to hold a charge – can be standing or first rank kneeling behind the walls (works well, really well against a charge.

        #2 – the column charge does not work well against a stable wall. It is to be only used when a weak spot is created (like, oh, the area where small round or square shields are at. Yes, shield size matters.

    1. If you hit them in the balls (either eye or nutsack variety,) they’ll go down.

      Now, a 6lb field howitzer loaded with case or grape shot, or even just nails…

      Though a 42lb carronade loaded with case or grape would be even better.

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