By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “How to shut Democrats up about packing SCOTUS.”
  1. I doubt it can be done in the current divided political climate, but there needs to be a Constitutional Amendment setting the number of SCOTUS justices to a fixed number and put an end to these court packing shenanigans.

    1. I’ve lived in South America for several years and packing the Supreme Court with friends and cronies is what socialists do when they take power. Insulates them from constitutional challenges and criminal prosecution for fraud.

      This will destroy America as the world knows it.

  2. It always amazes me how often people don’t realize that rule changes to increase their power, can be used against them, next time their opponents are in power.

    If you’re going to do that, you need to ensure you never lose power. I think we’re seeing the average Dem’s realization of that. (The higher ups already did, of course.)

    1. I’ve said it before, I’m sure I’ll say it again:

      Never give yourself a political weapon you aren’t willing to have used against you.

      It’s not just the Democrats, either. Both sides do it and they both gripe about it when their political weapons get turned back on them.

      1. I hear liberals always trying to compare the unconstitutional B.S. they pull to the Republicans doing bad policy acts themselves. But the truth is the democrats are in a corrupt league of their own. But. Donald Trump has changed all that by calling out the Democrats and their propaganda machine the media . That’s why the Democrats can’t stand the PResident

      2. Yep. Dems voted to remove the filibuster and then used the nuclear option under Harry Reid to appoint Federal judges. Republicans warned them over and over not to do it, but they did.
        Now the Republicans have appointed more justices under 1 Trump term than 2 Obama terms. Awesome turning of the table!

    2. If the Dems win, that is the plan. Change the rules so they NEVER lose power, ever again! That is why they MUST BE STOPPED!

  3. Four more YOUNG, conservative, originalist Justices.

    If we’re going to “pack the court”, pack it with young’ins so the impact will last for decades.

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