One of the things the feminist movement has been fighting for decades is how women were treated in rape cases.
A woman’s sexual history is not an excuse for rape.
Just because a woman consented to sex before doesn’t mean she wasn’t subsequent raped.
The rape shield law was a valuable addition to American jurisprudence.
Trans activists have just thrown the rape shield law entirely the fuck out the window.
A teen testified she met a classmate for consensual sex in the girls’ bathroom of a Loudoun County high school before, but in a May encounter she was sexually assaulted. New details in the case at the center of a firestorm
— justin jouvenal (@jjouvenal) October 26, 2021
So the fuck what that this girl had sex in a bathroom before.
The boy in a skirt who sodomized her is still a rapist.
Under any other circumstances, no media organization, especially a Leftist one like the Washington Post, would bring up a rape victim’s prior sexual history.
To defend a transgender student and transgender bathroom policy, they will throw the rape shield law, the principle behind it, and the feminist movement that created it away.
I’m convinced that the trans activist movement has nothing to do with a tiny minority of people who have gender dysphoria and everything to do with a bunch of rapists and child molesters with personality disorders who want to use social justice to prey upon women and girls.
That becomes more evident every day.
The “boy in a skirt” has been found guilty of rape. It is no longer alleged. And now I can’t find my reference link, sorry.
This has always been the case. When a leftist is considering an issue they start from “This is the result I want.” and then form their argument around the outcome.
This happens all the time. If their person shoots a person that mispronouned them it is “words are violence so it was self defense.” A kid is running from the mob, is physically attacked, is struck with a bludgeon, and responds by shooting in self defense, that’s not self defense because he was antagonizing people by having a gun in the first place.
1) Crazy people are dangerous
2) the left never thinks past the immediate concern. They want to neutralize the story about a crazy guy raping a teen, so they’ll do this and darn the second-order effects.
#2 is the key. The left never thinks beyond the immediate concern and doesn’t even acknowledge that there may be unintended consequences or second-order effects later. As long as they win this round, they’ll deal with whatever happens later in much the same manner. As long as they win today, they’ll believe they can also win tomorrow even if it means a complete reversal in their argument. We point out their hypocrisy routinely without realizing they don’t care about hypocrisy, they only care about winning.
“I’m convinced that the trans activist movement has nothing to do with a tiny minority of people who have gender dysphoria and everything to do with a bunch of rapists and child molesters with personality disorders who want to use social justice to prey upon women and girls.”
I agree there is a faction of the “movement” that is in it for exactly that reason, but it does not explain away the straight people clamoring for transrights. It is a lot more sinister than that.
The underlying goal of leftists/statists/commies is to make your relationship with the State your only significant relationship. All other, interpersonal relationships are secondary. That is a tall order, as long as marriage and family are compelling motivators for the average person.
Destroy marriage. Destroy the family unit. Destroy hetro sex. Instead of “going steady” you share fluids. Instead of having two parents, you get one, or have grandma raise you. It takes a village.
Gay marriage was not about equality, at least the outcome of it wasn’t. It is about destroying marriage as we know it today. That was a stepping stone to the end of the family unit, and the beginning of the all consuming State. Political correct speech is not about avoiding offense, it is about controlling what you are comfortable thinking.
And, I know… conspiracy nut.
But, as noted on a previous post, the difference between wild conspiracy and reality these days is six months.
I’ve said it before: to a leftist, they care care more about their dogma than the safety of their students
Dave, exactly. That’s why they so rabidly push for victim disarmament (which they call “gun control”).
“ Under any other circumstances, no media organization, especially a Leftist one like the Washington Post, would bring up a rape victim’s prior sexual history.”
They would in a heartbeat if it protects the narrative.
They would in a heartbeat of the victim was a conservative.
Or the accused an important Democrat.
“Trans girl” (i.e. biological male who “identifies” as female)
“Important Democrat”
To-may-to, to-mah-to.
Doubly so after you throw in “sex offender”.
As the great Iowahawk’s once said:
“1. Identify a respected institution.
2. kill it.
3. gut it.
4. wear its carcass as a skin suit, while demanding respect.”
The progressive/socialist/communist/authoritarian left has a long and storied history of grabbing hold of a movement meant to increase personal liberties and civil rights for a group that was being marginalized… and then once the campaign for legal equality is won, they continue to dress up in imitation of the original in order to disguise their push for authoritarianism in disguise.
The suffragette movement and “first wave” feminism got women more or less equal treatment before the law, in the workplace, and even got the vast majority of people in western society to realize that husbands and wives, sons and daughters needed to be treating each other more equitably in family life… Now “third wave” feminists and “radical” feminists are using the disguise of the equality movement to push for abortion, infanticide, and exclusion of cishet men from political participation.
The abolitionists and civil rights movements ended the slave trade, ended slavery, got blacks the vote, and so on and so forth. Now Black Lives Matter and other groups are cloaking themselves in their image in order to push for abolishing free markets and reinstating segregation.
As a teenager, I wrote letters to Congress and the state legislature urging them to repeal “sodomy laws,” recognize same-sex marriages, legalize same-sex adoption, and otherwise treat me and other LGBT people equally before the law. I marched in parades chanting “We’re here! We’re queer! Get used to it!”
By the time I hit my early twenties, we had equal treatment before the law, same-sex sex wasn’t illegal anymore, and individual states started recognizing marriages or granting “civil unions.” I was thirty-four when Obergefell v. Hodges was decided… We’d won. We still were here, we were still queer, and society had “got used to it.” But almost overnight the LGBT movement shifting from equal treatment before the law to an authoritarian crusade about forcing other to use newly coined pronouns, school books teaching kindergartners about oral sex, and so on and so forth.
I just wanted to be able to legally marry my husband, legally have boring married people sex, and not get treated like a pariah by my employer or my government. We got that… and now these authoritarian assholes are running around in the carcass of the LGBT rights movement.
Not to be obnoxious, but you helped start it, are you now happy with what you helped start?
The LGBT rights movement started long before I was born. I didn’t help start it, I’m part of the generation that helped win it.
The odious beast running around wearing its carcass as a skin suit? I am not happy with it and am trying to do my part to kill that monster.
Under any other circumstances, no media organization, especially a Leftist one like the Washington Post, would bring up a rape victim’s prior sexual history.
And let’s not lose sight of the fact that the victim was a high school student.
It’s quite likely that they are publicly exposing an underage girl’s sexual history, to discount her allegation of forcible rape.
But that’s all justified, apparently. Ending the rape shield law is justified.
Because “trans rights”, or something.
Seriously, how sick are these people?
This will not end well. It won’t be long before every rape victim’s personal history again becomes an acceptable topic for discussion on national prime-time television (because THAT will encourage victims to come forward [/sarc]), before alleged rapists start claiming to be trans to avoid criminal charges, and before the crime itself gets moved down the priority list of offenses on the off-chance the offender might be trans.
And though the Left and the media (but I repeat myself) will be 100% at fault, it will be blamed on Trump, the January 6 protesters, Republicans, “white supremacists”, the NRA, fracking, climate change, and/or Israeli oppression of Palestine.
Remember, the people who are trashing a teen girl to defend a male rapist are the ones who go on about “teach men not to rape”.
They believe in nothing but the arbitrary exercise of power.
All that Believeallwomen stuff died when they decided to bury all the accusations against Biden. Because some animals are more equal than others.
It’s almost as if the same movement that openly accepts NAMBLA in its ranks supports child-rape. Who could have possibly anticipated such a thing?
Rule .308.