Sure, the government telling businesses what they can and cannot sell is socialism, which is bad.

I’m going to sell full auto and high explosives and if you try and stop me it’s socialism.

Now that we got that clear I’m adding belt-fed and flame throwers to my killdozers.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “I agree but he won’t like my conclusion”
  1. Years ago, after slavery had been abolished in this country, there were people that worked for a living. Their families were dirt poor so as the children came of an age where they could do useful work, they went down into the mines. Before they entered the mines for the first time, they opened a line of credit at the local store. They bought the gear they needed to head into the mines.

    At the end of the week, they company paid them, holding back to pay off their debt to the company store.

    The rate of pay vs the cost of goods was so inverted that a man couldn’t walk away, as they always owed more.

    The government decided this was a type of slavery and the people rose up in rebellion and put an end to the practice.

    Today our government is well aware that the courts take a dim view of the government censoring. The 1st amendment is well defined in the courts and all the courts support it.

    So the government is changing their tune. It is no longer outright censorship, it is the censorship of licenses, “That’s a lovely cable business you have there, it would be a shame if your license wasn’t renewed.” It is the censorship of audits, “I see that you are active in the Tea Party. The IRS, OSHA, the FDA, and the EPA have all scheduled random surprise inspections and audits for the next 12 months”. It is the censorship of quiet words of frustration “Who will rid me of this meddlesome pundit?” and suddenly internet service is gone and a business destroyed.

    No, I don’t want the government deciding what a company does or does not carry on their shelves. I do want a level playing field. That is part of the reason we have the rule of law. So that the playing field is level

    The left is busy making the field as tilted as they can. And I’m tired of the uphill battle

    1. From the old song ” Sixteen Tons”: “St. Peter dontcha call me ’cause I cain’t go…I owe my soul to the comp’ny sto’.” was a truth understood by every miner’s family.

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