Words that I never thought I’d type in my life, but here we are…

From the NY Post article in the Tweet:

Fed-up New Yorkers painted a massive stretch of Brooklyn blacktop with the yellow message “F–k Cuomo and de Blasio” over the weekend in the vein of Hizzoner’s “Black Lives Matter” art, only for the city to quickly scrub the statement.

The not-so-subtle shout-out to Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio went up around 1 a.m. Saturday on North 15th Street between Wythe Avenue and Banker Street in Williamsburg, during the waning hours of an annual block party which this year doubled as a “small business owner protest,” one attendee told The Post.

This is my favorite part.

The NYPD confirmed that a criminal mischief complaint had been filed over the incident and that an investigation is ongoing, but did not comment on the claim that cops laughed at the vandalism while doing nothing to stop it.

I totally believe that.  Absolutely and completely.

And to think that just a couple of months ago there were Democrats who were saying that Cuomo should take over Biden’s spot if it looked like Biden was not going to make it through the campaign.

Cuomo and de Blasio have really showered themselves in glory the last few months, utterly destroying New York City while building paper mache monuments to their failures.

If Cuomo had machinations of doing something after his tenure of governor is over, this killed it.  The business owners of NYC have given every one of his opponents the best political ad ever for the rest of his life.

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By J. Kb

13 thoughts on “I agree with New Yorkers”
  1. We’ll see what happens the next time those offices are up for election. Will the people of the city and state of New opt for more of the same, or a change?

  2. As I’ve remarked before: it’s amazing how completely schizoid the politics in NY must be.

    Cuomo is begging New Yorkers to come back, while deBlasio comes up with more taxes to extract wealth from them. Has it not occurred to either of these ‘super geniuses’ that it’s hard to get people to come back when you’re also saying ‘tax the shit out of them’?

    Cripes, even Bloomberg was smart enough not to mess with Giuliani’s policing tactics.

    1. Don’t forget that DeBlasio once told all conservatives to get out of town and don’t come back. It’s been said that many conservatives are liberals that have been mugged. DeBlasio is doing his best to mug anyone with money.

  3. If I recall correctly, when I read the original, when the cops and DoT were sent to remove the “Mural” the cops were told that the Mural said “F* the Cops” not what it actually said.

    Can somebody explain to me when “Mural” went from huge painting and art placed directly on a wall to crudely painted block letters in the middle of a street?

    Does that mean the “Left Turn Only” is mural now?

    I can just see it 50 years in the future:
    Kid: Mommy, Mommy, what’s that white paint on the ground?
    Mommy: That is a mural from the 20’s. It was painted on the ground to indicate the correct mind set when the peaceful protesters marched through our glorious town burning the capitalistic pigs selfish racists edifices to the ground. We won the revolution and and these wonderful pieces of art remind us of the sacrifices of our comrades that gave everything for the world we have today.
    Kid: Isn’t it amazing how they were able to draw the lines so smooth and straight?
    Mommy: Yes, it is. Now stop gawking at the art and help me go through this garbage bin, you know Daddy needs food or he’s not going to be able to go to work tomorrow.

    1. What else would you call it? A mural is a large piece of artwork generally painted onto an existing structure, traditionally a wall. But ceilings and floors are just walls in the other dimension. There is no other word for it. It’s not a traditional mural, but it’s a mural. Which is not to say that it’s much as “art”, but “art” has a very wide definition. Street lines are not art because they serve a utilitarian purpose, instead of being decorative or to convey a statement.

  4. Interesting how this mural is “vandalism,” but a gigantic Black Lives Matter painting in front of Trump Tower is free speech. Aren’t both of them unauthorized paint applied to a public thoroughfare? So both of them should be treated equally, right? If one is “vandalism,” they both are, and if one is free speech, they both are. Unless they have a different Constitution in NYC.

    1. Apparently, the first axiom of politics applies to vandalism as well.

      “It is not the vandalism that causes the offense, it is the political affiliation of the vandal that causes the offense.”

    2. Old – they likely have the same Constitution the rest of us do although their state version is suspect…………
      What they DO have is totally different ‘rules’ and how they apply them to anyone who doesn’t toe (or tow) their party line.

  5. I, for one, do not believe the rank and file members of the NYPD simply stood there, laughing, and doing nothing while the mural was painted.

    I believe they picked up a paint brush and helped.

  6. Back when all the Wuhan stuff was ramping up, I saw dozens of left wing types gushing about how Cuomo showed ‘real leadership’ and that ‘this is what we need in the WH” etc. Not a peep from any of them as soon as the whole nursing home fiasco came to light.

  7. The ‘mural’ may have been scrubbed from the street But The Internet Is Forever.
    BTW – is the NYPD still ‘guarding’ the one that mayor big bird helped paint in front of Trump Tower?

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