I paid almost 25% more than the last time I was at the pump.

The missus and I were thinking of doing some weekend trips around Florida to enjoy many of the pretty locations the state has to offer and simply to enjoy ourselves outside the home.

I guess that budget got cut drastically.

Fuck you, POTUS.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “I am doing my part for clean energy, Thank You POTUS!”
  1. I was in town yesterday and I saw $2.35 where I’d seen sub-$2 not that long ago. It’s been brutally cold here of late and since we have electric heat, I’m not looking forward to that next bill, but hey, the eco nuts have to feel good.

  2. I live in the liberal utopia of Wa state. Add a buck and change to that. Not too worried tho. We are locked down like a zoo animal. No driving around here ‘cept for groceries or weed!!

  3. I live in theiberal utopia of Wa state. Add a buck and change to that. Not too worried tho. We are locked down like a zoo animal. No driving around here ‘cept for groceries or weed!!

  4. $2.55 here. Gone up about a quarter. Premium is $3.15. Which I have to put in mine because my engine knocks when it’s cold if I don’t.

    1. Sorry, Shawn. Bummer re the premium. The delta between it and regular has gone up a lot in the past several years, too, at least around here.

      Mrs B used to have a car that needed premium. I always knew when she filled up because she came home grumbling about gas prices and never-buying-a-car-that-needs-premium-ever-again…

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