Has he done everything perfectly against the Wuhan Pandemic? No. mistakes  will be made and specially under pressure in a rigged game.

But Gebezus! I believe some of the economic strategies are actually well thought out, specially subsidizing the retention of personnel by companies as it solve a boatload of issues, from insurance coverage to restarting the business without needing to retrain all new personnel.  And he has managed to get companies moving without much use of the big stick called Defense Production Act. In gunnie talk, displaying the firearm was enough to end the episode without bloodletting.

And I thank the Lord Hillary was defeated. This pandemic would have been in the hands of almost the same people who could not get the Obamacare website working properly or on time and spending $850 million on it.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “I am getting tired of Democrats and Liberals saying Trump is screwing up.”
  1. Once again, the fundamental axiom of politics rears its head.

    It is not the actions taken that cause the offense, it is the political affiliation of the person taking action that causes the offense.

    As to HRC’s response to this pandemic, either it would be non-existent (ala. 0’s response to H1N1) or there would be nationwide quarantine, confiscation of guns, and imposition of draconian punishments for taking the dog out for a walk.

    Personally, I think she would have opted for the former.

  2. Any president is as good as his advisers. Trump’s ones on medical side of the Covid 19 are horrible ones. Entrenched incestual bureaucracy in action. Rob Roenstein’s sister looks even more incompetent and ‘resistant’ than her brother. It is much easier to fight so called gun violence, obesity, vaping, racism etc epidemics by bullying people into submission, than to deal with real life pathogens. Pathogens do not obey PC messages.

    Look at donation record of management of CDC, NIH, FDA etc. Draw conclusions.

    P. S. I noticed this virus in the beginning of January. By mid-Jan I was Google translating all data I could get my hands on from China. I was able to predict everything that is going on right now with this pandemic by the third week of January. From public data.

    My first utterance to family when I realized that RT-PCR was used to detect the virus and CDC decided to invent the wheel was as follows : CDC will f*** it up. They do not have a necessary expertise to that. Their people are just not good.

    All this talk about old equipment…. Please… It is an old streigforward test. 20 years ago it was done high throughput on ‘old’ equipment. It is all about quality of experiment design and people.


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