It may get sporty.

Yes, they know they are packing because they did some arrests and found guns.

Let’s see if Portland PD ahs both the people and the balls.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

11 thoughts on “I am going to keep an eye on Portland.”
  1. My suspicion is that with the election over, the time for localized sweetness and a tolerant hand towards the Radicals is about to come to an end.
    Get ready for a replay of the Night of Long Knives.

  2. “Let’s see if Portland PD has both the people and the balls”

    I’m not holding my breath _and_ I’m glad that I don’t live there.

  3. Why does the police chief of Portland even bother? Antifa could just start gunning down everyone they encounter, shooting and killing police and then going door to door with the intent to kill the entire population of Portland that is either not a member of or does not support antifa and the local and state governments will not do anything as they are all already members or fully support antifa and gave the same desire to exterminate the entire United states population not antifa or support antifa. Abe they will have federal protection as the democrats also are of the opinion that every single United States citizen not either a member of or in full support of antifa must be exterminated along with every single United state citizen that voted for Trump, is a registered Republican, owns firearms or disagreed with the democrats in any way shape or form including the extermination the entire United States population that opposes the democrats and antifa killing every single Trump voter, gun owner and Republican

    These are communists. There is only one solution to threats to there power: kill everyone that opposes them. And since the democrats ultimate goal is the complete and total extermination of every single solitary united states citizen that opposes them or is not them if they had to literally exterminate all human life in the United States that is not a member of the party, antifa or an illegal to do it they would do out. Because to communists the literal extermination of over 330 million people to get more and keep power is the only justified action they can take.

    1. Never forget that Statist love killing Anarchist, especially once their usefulness is gone. And once the Statist seize the reigns of power, they don’t need the Anarchist- which is pretty much where they are right now.

      Once they are gone and power is secure, then they move on to the Kulaks.

  4. “police recovered guns and weapons”

    Recovered? That kinda implies they’d lost them, don’t it? Maybe they should try a “buy back” while they’re at it.

  5. So, off topic, that last twitter thread that gives the history of “Red House”, the person states that Amon Bundy claimed to be a sovereign citizen. I didn’t follow the Bundy ranch stuff, and had never heard that. Did he really claim to be a sovereign citizen?

    1. Maybe, but aren’t we all? Subject only to the limited powers delegated to the government by the Constitution.
      Among those powers is a very, very limited power of the Federal government over real estate — limited explicitly to (a) DC, and (b) places purchased with the consent of the state legislature for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dock yards, and other needful buildings” (article 1 section 8). No mention in there of national parks.

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