Last night, there was a march in DC from a group calling themselves “Patriot Front.”

Unfortunately for them and the brand of Fed-Induced White Supremacist BS they were trying to sell, nobody with two contacting neurons, has believed them for anything else than a False Flag.

Sure, police officers in DC are goning to let a bunch of civilians hop in a moving truck and transported away, right?

Noticed how they lock stepped the retreat?

This administration needs to find better crisis actors. I believe a simple post in Craiglist will suffice.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

24 thoughts on “I am not saying this looks Federally suspicious…”
  1. But of course there were all sorts of “media” suddenly right there to record all the right stuff.

    And as was stated: What cop is going to let a bunch of people they *don’t* like climb into the back of a truck to drive away.

    I sort of expected them to start changing “oh we are, the old ones, oh we are the old ones” from Wizard of Oz

  2. I love the “What if Antifa shopped at J. Crew” cosplay they’ve got going on. This group doesn’t look like the right wing, they look like what the left thinks the right wing looks like.

    Actual right wing rallies always have a wide variety of ages (albeit, usually tilted heavier towards the Boomer demographic), they are never exclusively male, and we don’t wear matching outfits!

    Also, if we’re ever really angry enough to bring weapons, it’s not plexiglass shields and batons. We bring rifles, shotguns, and handguns… and then stand around chatting with the riot cops about our favorite optics.

    1. BINGO! What’s up with those stupid shields? I agree, right wing demonstrators are more rotund and more often dressed by Wal*Mart (NTTAWWT).

      These are either feds or crisis actors – right wing people don’t all use those stupid face coverings.

      This is a lame fed action.

  3. Again I will remind people that by the end there were more FBI in the Klan than actual white supremacist Klansmen.

    1. The Klan was a Democratic Party operation from founding to finish… At the start, it was former confederate officers and slave owners, at the end, it was three FBI agents, two ATF agents, and one a confused guy from the IRS.

  4. Note the first video. They were marching in lockstep: “Left, left, left…”
    Looked like soldiers, no?

    Is this what is called a “false flag” operation?

    Like Seinfeld would say: “Who are these people?”

  5. Whether they were Feds or not, they were attacked. Why haven’t their attackers been arrested?

    1. Why haven’t their attackers been arrested?

      1. Someone has to sign a complaint. Which Fed or Confidential Informant (CI) wants to out themselves on an official government document.

      2. How many real, organic right side protests do you see police arresting the left wing attackers? Remember the Wi Spa protests? How many right wing protesters, including literal little old ladies were bloodied by Antifa in front of police?

  6. All modern US flags and that one other I didn’t recognize. Not a single Gadsden, Serapis, Betsy Ross in sight.


    Don’t even see it on any news of the big news networks. If this was real, they’d be screaming ‘insurrection’ to the skies.

    1. They were also flying the American flag upside down. Which is something I find very suspect about a group of “patriots.”

      1. The upside down flag is a universal maritime distress signal. It was adopted by some, in the 90s , as an America is in distress symbol due to the Klintonistas and thier actions. Its NOT a “I hate America “ thing

        1. I’m familiar with its de jure meaning as a distress symbol and it’s de facto use as a symbol of protest… But I’ve never seen it used as such by a “right wing” group.

          That’s anecdotal evidence, of course, since my personal experiences are hardly an objective standard. But it is just one more thing that makes me go “Hmmm…” when I see this group.

        2. Curby, I know you’re right on the distress thing (at least in the sense of “improvised” distress signal, to be used when the official ones aren’t available). I don’t know about the 90s thing. But I believe Ish is correct when he points out that, in modern (the past few years at least) usage the upside down flag IS a “hate America” symbol.

  7. That’s the largest gathering of plain clothes
    Feds and CIs that I’ve seen together for a while.

    Good of them to take advantage of the LAPG and 5.11 Black Friday specials to save us taxpayers some cash.

  8. Those protesters were surprisingly, almost suspiciously uniform in their dress and appearance. Not only Khaki, but the same shade of Khaki. The same white gaiter style masks.

    1. Maybe when they told them to show up in blue jeans at the rehearsals, too many showed up in either skinny jeans or mom jeans?

      Maybe the khakis are the Fed approved version of black bloc clothes for Antifa?

  9. I’m guessing that the matching “Not A Fed” hats were stuck in a container outside Long Beach?

  10. False Flag?

    The Sherry LlewellenTwitter account that posted the first videos was a false flag.

    Read the later tweets from the leader: Conservatives will say I am an FBI agent, liberals will say that I am working in the Kremlin. In reality I am a tech-savvy activist who had a good social media marketing strategy.
    — Reclaim America – PatriotFront.US

    Question: Rather than feds, could these people be the sane and very dangerous Communist Committee Core hiding inside Antifa? Are they using the crazies, but excluding them from the real revolutionary core? Sort of like Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn of the Weatherman Underground used Students for a Democrat Society (SDS) as the recruitment and sorting tool?

    Maybe these Communists think Antifa is a tool to be discarded, now that people are realizing just how crazy, criminal, and perverted the “Average Antifa Protester” really is?

    Maybe another analogy could be Hitler and his party recruiting and creating the disciplined SS from the thugs and rabble in the Brownshirt SA? Then eliminating Rohm in the “Night of the Long Knives” to appease the German Military and Industrialints.

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