In case you missed the news, Congressman-Elect Luke Letlow died of complications from COVID.

Many on the Left are dancing on his grave, rejoicing in “told you so” and saying things about how he deserved it for being “anti-science” and so on.

He left behind a wife and two young children.

So help me God I am tired of the faux calls for unity.

I want nothing more than to take every single one of these people mocking the Letlow family and force their spouses and children to watch as they are put to the wall.

Compassion goes both ways.  So does a lack of compassion.

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By J. Kb

11 thoughts on “I am very mad”
  1. It’s easy for them to call for unity.

    It’s hard for us to take those calls seriously after the last four years of #NotMyPresident.

    Harder still when so many are openly wishing destitution, sickness, tragedy, violence, and death on us, and openly celebrating when it happens.

    Dennis Prager did one of his PragerU videos, explaining the Israel/Palestine conflict, and summing it up in one sentence: “One side [shows Palestinian flag] wants the other side [shows Israeli flag] dead.”

    We’re not far off from that here. “One side [shows the Democrat donkey superimposed on the Antifa flag] wants the other side [shows the GOP elephant] dead.”

    I used to be shocked when people on the Right would say it’s time to “go hot” in this cold Civil War 2.0. However, it’s become clear the Left is already “going hot” and has been for some time. The question is, how long before the Right responds in kind?

    Because eventually the violent Left will make a critical error in victim selection, attack the wrong person, and pay the immediate price, which the rest of the Left will see as a green light: “It’s on.”

    It’s not a matter of “if”; it’s a matter of “when”.

  2. They’re up 30 kills on us, and we’re still wondering if we should even start fighting.

    Antifa members stalked and murdered people for wearing MAGA hats, and the media CELEBRATED THEM AS HEROES.

  3. It came out today that he died of a non-Covid related heart attack.

    But Team Covidiocracy lists his death as due to Covid.


  4. Article said died WITH covid, which told me he died of something else….. “grab your rifle and run outside, if you the only one on your lawn waving your rifle and screaming, it aint time yet”… I dont see We the People goin all terminator on the left. Too many of us WORK for everything we have. There might be isolated incidents in the blue controlled areas. But once a lefty gets smoked pickin on the wrong guy that shiite will cease. They are only bold where they are protected

    1. That article said died with COVID, but by the time the story filtered through the various media outlets to our local news channels, he had died from COVID. (Really, the phrase “died from COVID-19” came out of their mouths.)

      Several sentences later, they conceded he actually died of “COVID-related complications” and not COVID itself.

      My lovely wife went digging for source material, and found what everyone here is saying: He died of a heart attack, probably not COVID-related at all. But a COVID-positive test means they can say he died with COVID — and later “misstate” that to dying from COVID — without it being a complete lie, so…

      … whatever it takes to keep the fear alive, right?

  5. “I want nothing more than to take every single one of these people mocking the Letlow family and force their spouses and children to watch as they are put to the wall.”

    No quarter given by The Captain. Wives and children go to the wall first, so the scumbags get to watch and suffer for the few moments before their turn.

    Yeah, if ever the SHTF it will be ugly.

    1. Short-drop hanging, and leave the bodies up. Free monument to the fate of traitors.

      Plus, they get to watch longer before their turn comes.

  6. It’s an unfortunate truth that for many people, the first symptom of their heart disease is death. For others, a serious heart attack that they’re rescued from.

    Seems to have been the case with Mr. Letlow.

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