Dr Fauci (paraphrased): “We bullshitted you about the effectiveness of cloth masks so you panicky sheeple didn’t buy up all the good masks we needed for healthcare workers.”

Some people trusted those bullshit masks and went out and got sick because humans engage in risk compensation.

You were better of without a mask and being careful then with a t-shirt sleeve over your face acting like you were bulletproof.

I said cloth masks were bullshit that people would misuse, and now Fauci confirmed it.

I’m right, he’s an asshole, and every journalist and politician that pushed cloth mask mandates needs a trip through the Decapatron.


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By J. Kb

13 thoughts on “I am vindicated”
  1. The more Fauci I see, the more convinced he is a deep state operative/globalist intent on ruining the Trump presidency. This jackhole is an operative of the left. Seriously, is there anything he has said that has not been demonstrated to be wrong? Why he still has a job is amazing to me.

    1. Guys like Fauci are the poster children for the deep state. They spend decades in high level government positions setting policy, budgets (just look at how many millions Fauci sent to the CCP labs for research), and whispering into politicians ears. And they’re never accountable to anyone. Just another faceless GS employee who runs the country while the elected “leaders” are our pandering and sparring with the media.

  2. Yup, I got told this week I needed to wear a mask for an eye exam. When I said I didn’t have a mask I was told of a nearby store that sold them, or I
    could wear a scarf, or a bandana. When I told them I have a beard and that a mask would be useless for me. I got told, well that’s our policy. This was an ophthalmologist, not an optometrist, you’d think an MD’s office would know better. At any rate I canceled my appointment and will look for someone less dogmatic.

    1. I know several people in the medical field that are 100% bought into the hype and terror being strewn about by the media. And, these people are generally rather intelligent.

      I am reminded that just because you are in the medical field, does not mean you are knowledgeable about infections diseases. Surgeons are knowledgeable about the mechanics of the body, not the chemical interactions between viruses and cells. (Yes, I know that is taught in med school. It is a matter of specialization, versus general knowledge.)


      I would expect the medical field to know how completely totally useless a fabric mask really is, regardless of what their specialization is. I expect that type of crap from REI, not from a medical doctor. (Then again, if they request you wear a mask in the waiting room, it is likely to ensure other patients do not get upset, rather than for a medical issue.)

  3. NRW: you might toy with telling them, “What? You are not gonna supply me with a PAPR, as you discriminate against me because I’m follicularly enhanced?”

    1. Thought about it, but I figured it would be like wrestling a pig. You both get covered in pig poo and eventually you realize the pig enjoys it.

  4. Is there a transcript of the original question? I don’t interpret the video clip the same way. My read is they were protecting healthcare PPE “a month, or two, or three ago, when people were saying ‘you don’t really need to wear a mask'”.

    1. ‘The transcript:

      “[We] were concerned the public health community, and many people were saying this, we’re concerned that it was at a time when personal protective equipment, including the N95 masks and the surgical masks, were in very short supply,” Fauci said, referring back to early anti-masking guidelines.

      “We wanted to make sure that the people, namely the health care workers, who were brave enough to put themselves in a harm way, to take care of people who you know were infected with the coronavirus and the danger of them getting infected,”

      I agree with your interpretation (especially in light of a couple of recent relatively decently done studies on masks)

      What our overlords should have said: look, we need best protective equipment for those with the highest viral exposure. Homemade masks are not as good, but they still help reduce viral load, so please wear them if you have to be close to other people, especially indoors.

      Then we would have gone the Czech route.

      Instead, our betters were screaming: masks are useless, do not buy masks.

      The public is treated as juvenile sheep.

      I believe I already said it somewhere on this blog:

      Trumps advisers on COVID19 are horrible. CDC, NIH, FDA in this country are bloated rotting politicized incestuous behemoths, failing in their core missions.

      1. Oh, found it:) My favorite quote from our esteemed Surgeon General

        On Feb. 29, U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams implored Americans to stop buying masks.

        “They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can’t get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!” Adams wrote on Twitter.

        And the wise words of our preeminent Presidential Adviser (and distributor of coveted NIH grants to Wohan) :

        “There is no reason for anyone right now in the United States, with regard to coronavirus, to wear a mask,” Fauci told Spectrum News DC on Feb. 14.

        1. Now it is:
          Fauci also said “masks are not 100 percent protective.”

          “However, they certainly are better than not wearing a mask. Both to prevent you, if you happen to be a person who maybe feels well, but has an asymptomatic infection that you don’t even know about, to prevent you from infecting someone else,” Fauci said. “But also, it can protect you a certain degree, not a hundred percent, in protecting you from getting infected from someone who, either is breathing, or coughing, or sneezing, or singing or whatever it is in which the droplets or the aerosols go out. So masks work.”

          I need a glass of gin tonic. May be 3.

  5. I had a hard time believing Fauci early on, when he (among other things) claimed outright, without evidence, that hydroxychloroquine was useless because it’s a malaria drug and there are no university studies about how it affects coronavirus — despite mounds of real-life trials with promising results.

    Fauci just has one of those faces that screams “Con-man!” and “Liar!” That he’s been proven wrong at every turn just reinforces that. I have no idea why he’s still heading up the COVID response team with this level of incompetence and/or deception.

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