I dared to post this screencap of a tweet I posted:

Mind you, I found this photo online in a Media Outlet, not a corner of the Dark Web.  I requested a review and immediately after they shut me down pending what the decide.

And when I tried to log out, I got this warning:

I believe I may not get back. I have been collecting restrictions since last year and I guess I reached their Woke Limit.

Fuck ’em anyway.

PS: If you follow my account in Facebook, would you please pass the word  I have been suspended and probably exiled for good.
I’ll be in MeWe.

Update: Bot contradicted Bot apparently and I am back for now.

And I have made enough points to be awarded this medal.

Many thanks to Mark!

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “I believe I just got kicked out for good from Facebook. (UPDATE: I am back, who knows for how long. Medal presented)”
  1. Fuk em. I been on there less and less. Got rid of a bunch of political crap too. Its a YUGE time waster. Howd we get 200 something years old with out it??

  2. Speaking of failed attempts at becoming Governor, old Swapping Charlie (D- Morgan&Morgan) is looking at trying to land the role again, again.

    One does hope that this vacuous charisma vacuum with the morals of a lot lizard gets thoroughly tromped in the primaries, or failing that, extra tromped in the general election. Cause you know he’s going to trot out the same tired talking points that served him soooo wellll last time.

    Even Methhead McBoibang here did better in the votes.

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