Remember this awkward question and answer from Jen Psaki?

This one was even more awkward.

Biden will have to appoint someone even more oppressed than a millionaire white woman to deflect from this.

I’m thinking a disabled Black Muslim transwoman.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “I bet the new Guard AG will be a disabled Black Muslim transwoman”
  1. Not a bad guess. I’ll see your disabled Muslim and raise you an open, proud pedophile for President Harris’s press secretary for her second term after she wins (steals) all 50 states in 2028.

  2. How is it that Jen’s nose doesn’t keep breaking the camera lenses with her lies?

    At least the $hit can be used as fertilizer in the Rose Garden.

  3. I realize ad hominem shouldn’t be used, but I’d be remiss in not mentioning that Jen Psaki looks and acts exactly like every enraged liberal wine drinking cat mom I’ve ever seen on those online dating apps. I could practically write her profile for her. Throw in an RBG quote, make mention of being passionate about social justice, indicate a love of “travel”, a vague reference to feminism, and finally a furious declaration that “if you supported Trump, swipe left and GFY”. “Republicans/Conservatives need not apply, swipe left”.

    These shrill harpies compose the overwhelming majority of women on those dating sites. It’s a bad situation out there, really bad.

    1. Ever notice how more Left someone is the more personal problems and bad interpersonal relationships they have?

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