My dad had a condo on Miami Beach, a little south of Bal Harbor, which is on the north end of the island.  Most of spring break occurs around South Beach on the southern end of the island.

Sometimes spring break spilled north.  Sometimes, living on the island you had no choice but to go south.

As a part-time resident of Miami Beach, I can attest to the fact that fights, shootings, people skipping out on their restaurant bills, shoplifting (an enormous amount of shoplifting), and all sorts of hooliganism happened during spring break.

My family was in the restaurant business in Miami and I knew of a number of restaurants and stores that would close down for spring break.  They had been burned in the past and the number of dine-and-dashes and property damage that occurred made spring break unprofitable.

The lockdowns in Miami have nothing to do with COVID and everything to do with the hell that breaks loose during spring break.

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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “I can vouch for this from personal experience”
  1. I have a friend who owned a business, and during spring break, they demanded a credit card BEFORE anything was ordered during spring break. Since it was “black spring break,” there were accusations of racism. They were told that even closing during spring break is racist.

    I had a cruise that was a nightmare because of college spring breakers. I would just assume colleges did away with the entire concept, which is just an excuse for young adults to act like assholes.

    As far as the above riots entering and terrorizing residential neighborhoods? That wouldn’t be a good idea in my area.

  2. Went to South Beach once when I lived down in Broward/Miami-Dade and that was enough for me to swear it off. It wasn’t even spring break and I was drawing some parallels to being down on Bourbon Street the weekend before Halloween.

    Both times and locations I was questioning if I’d brought enough pepper spray and gun with me. Dinner was delicious at both places and the people watching was . . . interesting. If I’m going to vacation at the beach, I’d much rather do it in a non-party city on the gulf coast.

  3. The only thing new or different this year is saying it’s from Covid. Spring Break has had problems because of the behavior of “oppressed minorities” for a long time.

  4. Give me bike week over spring break any day.

    The bikers can get rowdy on occasion, but generally police themselves. And, they spend a lot more. The occasional fight is generally taken outside before any damage happens to the bar/restaurant. And, the patrons do not skip out on their tabs either.

    No, bike week is not without problems, but I would take it any time over a bunch of poor college punks.

  5. I have seen dozens of videos of the violence in south Florida and one thing is clear, knee-grows are violent.

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