Bombshell Lawsuit Sheds Light On Governor Cuomo’s Anti-Semitic Coronavirus Order

According to a new lawsuit filed by Ron Coleman and Harmeet Dhillon, Governor Cuomo issued “a targeted” executive order that particularizes coronavirus restrictions to a specific religious minority — Jews.

The audacious governor “freely and repeatedly admitted his decision was not driven by science, or data, but, by ‘fear,’” the two powerhouse lawyers wrote in a complaint on behalf of Jewish community leaders, which was filed in federal court in the Southern District of New York. The Jewish community has “been unfairly singled out by this fear-driven Executive Order due to numerous recent false and discriminatory statements directed towards these communities by Governor Cuomo,” the lawsuit explained.

You might be asking yourself at this point, how bad was the spread of coronavirus in this religious community? “They were not redlined,” Ron Coleman explained in an interview. Numerous communities actually had a higher rate of spread. But they were not targeted with a particularized Order; just the Jews.

Governor Cuomo’s anti-Semitic Order is mind-boggling, to say the least. It exceeds the bounds of leftist power-grabs amid the pandemic that we have seen from other Democrat governors. As Ron Coleman aptly expressed in his letter, it is “a particular[ly] offensive abuse of power.”

Readers of this blog know that I did a lot of coverage of how Cuomo and de Blasio treaded the Orthodox Jews of New York.

Examples include sending the Waffen NYPD to raid Synagogues during Shabbat services, hunt for Minyans and Yeshivas (prayer groups and Hebrew schools) operating in basements during the lockdown, chaining closed the gates of Jewish cemeteries, and restrictions on Orthodox neighborhoods, all while allowing or encouraging BLM riots and other Leftist agitation.

I want this proven in court.

Andrew Cuomo may have to pay damages, and I hope he does, but what I really want is to rub the faces of fellow Jews in it like a puppy who pooped on the rug.

I heard constantly how “Trump and the Republicans are antisemites” while the Left’s anti-Trump COVID hero (many called Cuomo “America’s de facto president”) was channeling his inner Hans Landa during COVID.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “I can’t wait to see the outcome of this lawsuit”
  1. Frightening how some are easily convinced that true Americans are the bad guys while democrats continue to lie cheat and smear those who support them. The outcome of this will be large fun to watch.

  2. Yeah, the Orange Antisemite has a Jewish son-in-law, moved the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, worked with Israel to form the Abraham accords with the Saudis and other Arab states. Some antisemite.

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