The Clinton family.

With reports that the Russians are bombing civilian targets, I’m reminded that it was Bill Clinton in 1994 who convinced the Ukrainians to give up their nuclear weapons.

I think therefore it’s fair that the Clintons be shipped to Ukraine to be human shields for Ukrainian civilians.

Either Putin will avoid dropping bombs on the Clintons or the Clintons will have the same fate as the people they disarmed.

This seems fair to me.

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By J. Kb

14 thoughts on “I changed my mind, there is one group of Americans I do want to send to Ukraine”
  1. Ukraine was not a ‘nuclear power.’ Soviet nukes were left behind when USSR broke up. Moscow had the keys and Ukraine couldn’t have used them. They were shipped back to Russia. Important when people falsely/mistakenly claim they could have protected Ukraine now.

    Tons of other links on the web.

    1. Ukraine couldn’t have used them at the time the USSR broke up.

      There’s been lots of time between “then” and “now” during which that situation could have changed, by any of several means.

      1. No, Moscow had the keys ‘and’ the launch codes; Ukraine never had, and never would have had, access. Facts are hard to swallow sometimes. Go Putin!

        1. So no one is capable of getting control of computers mounted on the nukes? Or bypassing the launch codes? Over decades? I need to get that kind of hardware, so no hackers could ever get into my shit, copy it and make a mint selling it to everyone else. LOL Are you for real?

        2. “Ukraine never had, and never would have had, access” to launch codes.
          Does Ukraine not have, and never would have had, access to physics textbooks? No half-decent physicists? Nobody with any experience handling nuclear materials? Oh, they do? Well, then.
          Much of the effort that goes into a weapon design is to make sure it can’t be set off without authorization. That has very little to do with the basic physics of the device. Much of the rest goes into optimization to get the max yield from a given amount of fissionable material. That has a lot to do with physics, but it’s all about making it better in some sense, not getting it to work in the first place. The basic gun-type devices are pretty simple. The hardest part would arguably be getting enough properly refined material together.
          But someone had already done that.

          1. Exactly.

            PAL devices on nukes, meant to prevent them from going off without authorization, are the equivalent of “smart guns”. The reality is that the guts of a nuclear bomb are quite simple — a very basic one is “thin man” from Hiroshima, and a more complex one is described in fair detail in Clancy’s “Sum of all Fears”.

  2. Earl,
    The limiting factor for every up and coming wanna-be nuclerar power is not the design or engineering of a nuclear weapon. Everyone was limited by access to enriched fissionalbe materials, IOW Bomb Grade Uranium and Plutonium.
    North Korea spent years and years, first trying to make Plutonium in their “research reactor,” then after Bush the Elder and Clinton got them to shut the reactor down. They then separated Uranium and built their first bombs. Since the first, they now have up to 20 Uranium and Plutonium fueled Bombs. Libya gave up their tiny amount of fissionable material after Saddam was pulled out of his hole. South Africa gave up a half dozen weapons before they went multicultural
    Iran is building their first bomb right now, by separating Uranium. So far Iran supposedly does not have any bomb grade Uranium. But Iran is enriching a huge amount to 20+%, so when they decide to build their bomb, they can build several bombs very, very quickly.
    Ukraine would have started with hundreds (100+) fissionable bomb pits. All they needed to do was replace the electronics, or build a brand new weapon from scratch. If they did not have the expertise, Russians, Chinese, and even Pakistanis have the detailed knowledge. if they can build Antonov Jetplanes, they can manufacture an H-Bomb if they had Uranium and/or Plutonium.

  3. Meh, there’s already been believable reports that more than one of these ‘civilian’ targets was being used to house soldiers.
    Honestly, I’m almost at the point where I’ll start rooting for Putin purely because monsters like democrats, globalists, and grotesque subhuman tyrants (but I’ve repeated myself twice) hate him so much.

    And yes, I know Putin is a tyrant too, but saying that the corrupt authoritarian regime in Ukraine is a ‘champion of freedom’ because they’re fighting him is like saying Hitler was a champion of freedom because he declared war on the Soviets.

    1. Then again, looking to Putin to counterbalance the globalist is also like buddying up to Hitler in 1938 as a balance against the Comintern. My enemy’s enemy is just my enemy’s enemy.

      The really stupid people think he’s going to launch some sort of crusade against the WEF and save… something?

      Putin is a scorpion, and no matter what he promises or how much he looks like a friend, if you give him a lift across the river, he will sting you midway. It’s his nature.

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