My district, according to Miami Dade Elections, is about 65% registered Democrats. But in the 2 decades living here, You could never tell who was what unless you asked, which is deemed impolite. Something I have never seen is political signs and flags in private properties. Sure, you will see some posters placed in the fences abandoned lots and maybe a corner or two in a light pole, but house openly declaring their favoritism? Simply not done.
Today I went out and saw this.

Most houses were simply decorated: A yard sign usually accompanied by the flag.
But I have to say this was my favorite:
Again let me say how amazing these displays are to me because in 20 years, I never saw anything this outward, so prideful when it came to p[residential politics.
Miami-Dade usually votes blue and the strategy is not to have that many people vote so the red votes in other counties upset the Democrat applecart. But i suddenly have this little spark in my guts telling me that maybe come November 3rd, maybe it will be a very pale blue or even a light shade or red for Miami Dade county. No wonder Bloomberg feels it needs to spend $100 million in Florida.
PS: Yes, you are asking if I saw the same stuff for the other side and I did: Only one house. Kid you not.
Polls say Biden is up 5-10%
Enthusiasm seems to suggest something different
The high poll numbers are to serve their agenda.
If they can discourage Republicans from casting a vote for a lost cause, so much the better.
It also gives them room for fraud and manufactured votes. If they do manage to take this by fraud, they have the poll numbers to back it up.
They can also go on about voter suppression and the need to abolish the Electoral College.
The other part is that around here people are less likely to put up conservative flags or Trump flags. I really really want to plant a flag pole in the front yard and fly the stars and stripes high and proud.
If somebody were to come into the yard to touch that flag pole, they’d be introduced to Mr backhoe and the back 40.
2016 was the first time in my life that I was… not afraid, but concerned about letting the public know about my political leanings. The animus against anything conservative (and I live in a blue city of a red state) was palatable. You could literally feel it in the air. Put a Trump bumper sticker on your car, and there was a very good chance it (your car) would be vandalized. Yard signs would disappear, etc…
I am very surprised to see so many Trump signs/supporters in a Miami neighborhood. Especially one that tends to vote Dem. It is about time, in my opinion.
I had it happen earlier than that. With the Gadsden flag in 2008 time frame. Flying that flag would have gotten my wife, a teacher in conflict with her co-workers and people with that flag flying or on cars were having the flags destroyed and their vehicles vandalized.
I live behind the lines in Western Washington. A Trump sign here gets your windows busted out, sadly. Free speech is only permissible for the left. Conservatives keep it close to the chest. On another tack, what the??!! Is that sun??? Blue skies?? It’s orange and nasty here, visibility about a quarter mile. At least we protected those now burning forests from the evil practices of thinning, prescribed low level burns, etc!!! Viva comrade innslee!!!
Dirk, we in Florida had skies like you have, back in 1998, after 20 years of leftist Democratic environmentalist bullscat. It was 1998 and was known as the Florida Firestorms. Burnt the state from one side to another. Driving on some roads, like SR40 through the Ocala National Forest, you can still see some of the dead spots.
Since then, our state has viciously done prescribed burns and even in drought-times and pine-bark beetle times we haven’t had a repeat.
Hope your world gets better soon, and you all get a decent government.
I spotted my first Joe Biden lawn sign in my neighborhood today… and it wasn’t even a “Biden” sign per se. It had the requisite fine print identifying it as a product of the official campaign, but instead of saying “Biden” it said “ByeDon.” As in ‘goodbye Donald Trump.’
That’s the level of enthusiasm we’re looking at here in one of the hardest left voting precincts in one of the hardest left cities in the country (Trump came in third place in this precinct in 2016). A single lawn sign that’s against one candidate rather than for his opponent.
Due to Oregon using vote-by-mail universally, turn out isn’t likely to be suppressed much by lack of voter enthusiasm. A lot of people who might not bother going to the polls will still take four minutes out of their day to fill out a form they got in the mail… Part of me thinks that this ease-of-voting to overcome ennui toward establishment candidates might be why the DNC and DCCC are so keen to make vote-by-mail the national norm.
As a fellow Oregonian, I’m tentatively hopeful that a sizable number of conservatives and moderates that normally wouldn’t care enough to take those four minutes to fill out the ballot that gets mailed to them, will see the Antifa/BLM riots, see the calls for “Universal(ly bad) Heath Care”, “commonsense gun control” (including AWBs, UBCs, mag size limits, 1/month limits, ammo registration, etc.), the “Green New Deal”, and outright socialism, and feel motivated to vote against all that crap.
And that a sizable number of liberals will see Biden’s issues and Harris’ uber-Left insanity and feel unmotivated enough to just not fill it out.
Portland is lost, but I think it’s possible — however unlikely it’s been in the past — that other blue districts will become a little more purple, red districts will become more red, and maybe — just maybe — our paltry 7 electoral votes might not be guaranteed to support the Harris/Biden campaign.
In my opinion, the important thing is to deliver the ballot to your county elections office. Not the post-office or any mailbox.
The “x-factor” in Oregon’s voting is down to the enthusiasm gap between the closeted Trump voters in the urban counties and the Biden voters in the rural counties.
Despite the delusions of the Portland city council, Oregon is actually a very small state: only 4.2 million people live here. However, the three counties that make up Portland (and it’s immediate neighbors of Beaverton and Hillsboro) account for 1.8 million of them. Add in Marion County, who’s largest city is the state capital of Salem and who’s largest employer is the state government, and you get 2.18 million.
Every statewide political race in Oregon is basically those four counties versus the entire rest of the state.
How many upper- and upper-middle class Boomers and Gen-Xers in Beaverton and Hillsboro have always voted Democrat because, gosh darn it, that Bill Clinton was such a cool guy in the Nineties and Barrack Obama made them feel good about themselves have watch Gropey Joe drunkenly stumble into the nomination, seen their financial management firm in Downtown Portland get torched by Antifa, and are wondering why everyone on the internet is now telling them on a daily basis that they’re raaaaaacist…? How many of them will opt not to vote for either party? Can any of them be flipped for Trump?
I’m not prepared to call Oregon for Trump, but I’m not gonna write it off either.
Here south of Tampa is Trump Country, but I never saw a single Biden sign in deep blue Maryland, and we only left there in late May. Interestingly, I saw some Trump signs up there, but no Biden ones.
The fraud is going to have to be massive for them to steal this, and fraud on that level will be impossible to hush up. I think November is going to see The Reckoning.
Your mileage may vary, void where prohibited, do not remove tag under penalty of law.
Didn’t the Delaware police association endorse Trump? I know the Chicago one did, which must give mayor Lori some heartburn.
My across-the-road neighbor has a big US flag, and, underneath it, an equally big “Trump 2020” flag.
His next door neighbor has a “STD ” sign (“Stop The Donald”).
TDW-MarkII convinced me to NOT similarly place any pro Trump paraphernalia up, as she observed, “That would be a huge failure of operational security, and one you and Iwould likely regret in coming Spicy Times!”
As much as i support DJT policy, and not the freak Left communist BS, i’m not putting any potentially political stickers on my vehicle nor signs in my yard. Same with NRA/GOA/ stickers on vehicles, hats, etc. I’m not about to ruin OPSEC and trying to stay more greyman.
It was once said Liberty lifts all boats. Very true. The birth of ordered Liberty change the world in the positive.
MAGA lifts all boats.
Since Mr. Trump began to MAGA, he has won at every turn. Winning! is not a catchy slogan. It is a testament to creating positive change in this world.
This is the purview of free Americans who believe in something better and greater. No one else can do this.
From the beginning, the entire pedo=elite cabal has thrown every conceivable thing at President Trump to stop him or oust him, and we The Deplorable’s by extension, because we won a real grass roots color revolution, (not this astro turf, CIA “color revolution,” ie, regime change), against the globo=pedo elites who think they are endowed with divine powers to rule over the rest of us.
We can not be defeated when we all stick together.
This is Mr. Trump’s greatest asset. Just as he was referred to as “our murder weapon”, we are Trumps murder weapon, and “they” have tried everything to divide and conquer us.
Te great thing, the really great thing, is Donald Trump is a Winner, a results orientated leader, a Man who excels at everything he does. Excellence mindset is a great virtue.
President Trump wins a second term.
No doubts.
As I mentioned Trump has been victorious in everything he has taken upon himself to accomplish. Not a single failure. The point being, his/our enemies are loosing their collective hive mind because of their loser status. It is like watching a temper tantrum of biblical proportions. I think they are developing a mental complex over this, a collective kind of group/hive insanity, it’s driving them bugf&#k crazy.
It’s especially hard on the victim stance mentality of the leftists.
Imagine the billions and billions wasted on losing. Ol’ Bloomberg blew thru 500 billion running for POTUS, he lost totally, now he is dumping 100 million in Florida, how much has this turd wasted on disarming us?
All that money, for nothing. Zip. ZERO.
These clowns and their institutional order is failed. All they got is hate and envy.
They offer us nothing.
But Donald Trump, he does not have to offer us anything. All he has done is to inspire us to do more than we thought we had, to believe in something larger than ourselves. These are freebies, yet priceless things, things of inestimable value.
How can you beat something so good and excellent as this, with hate, and envy, and the ugly evil power to hurt others?
WE Won already no matter how ugly and stupid thing get.
Think of all the awful nasty bloody destructive corrupt perverted thing which have been thrown at us.
Nothing has worked to destroy America.
In some ways, these skumbags are doing us a great service, we are looking at things which have long needed to be dealt with, things requiring us to redress and recourse, and all the ugly truths that really needed us to attend to.
In the larger scope, we Win on these issues and problems, by the very nature of the elites efforts to survive their illegitimacy. We already won because they have failed utterly. Losers to a man everyone.
We are Winners by nature. Failure is not an option is very American. We do the impossible, do the hard stuff, and make money at it, and have a lot of fun too.
Because that is what a civilization of Winners do.
Made a trip through VA in to WVA last weekend and saw 2 biden signs; both of them the big ones on the highway like you’d see near a polling place. Hundreds of trump signs and flags in people’s yards.
As the meme goes, based on the number of yard signs, it’s 1) Trump 2) Yard Sale 3) Biden.