It was bound to happen:

A Washington man who fired his shotgun into the air to scare away alleged car prowlers pleaded not guilty on Wednesday, citing Vice President Joe Biden’s questionable gun advice as the reason he took that specific action.

via Man’s Defense Against Gun Charge: ‘I Did What Joe Biden Told Me to Do’ | Video |

And now you are gonna pay for being stupid enough to follow Stupid’s recommendation.

If you are feeling sick, you go to a doctor not a tarot reader.

If your car is not working well, you take it to a mechanic, not to a juggler.

If your faucet is leaking, you call a plumber, not a chimney sweeper.

If you need advice on the use of weapons for self-defense, why would anybody in his/her right mind would pay attention to what an anti-gun moron would say?


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “‘I Did What Joe Biden Told Me to Do’”
  1. If you need advice on the use of weapons for self-defense, why would anybody in his/her right mind would pay attention to what an anti-gun moron would say?

    He is a lawyer, and if the guy gets convicted, he may have a case of legal malpractice. Certainly it would be a stretch, having to prove the whole contract thing, but it would certainly be fun to watch. It would also be fun to see Joe publicly admit that it was bad advice.

    1. He would never admit it was bad advice, but it WOULD be fun to see a legal malpractice suit show up.

    1. Just curious, since he’s a politician, isn’t he the defendant’s (and our) employee by way of indirect payment via taxation, and thus, a lawyer in his employ (in some vague term?). Certainly doesn’t mean much, but does provoke an interesting intellectual situation.

  2. @Geodkyt: Send “Uncle Joe” a dollar, certified mail so you get a receipt when he gets it. Now he’s on retainer.

  3. I wonder how entrapment works with that. Sure he’s not directly a law enforcement officer, but he’s an executive branch official who told us all to do something illegal we wouldn’t otherwise do.

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