Kathy Griffin sent out this Tweet:

I don’t think this is Pence’s fault.

I just think everyone in the hospital decided that a D-list celebrity who managed to ruin New Years Even in New York City for years on end wasn’t worth testing in an era of medical supply rationing.

You know what would be funny?

If she starts to bitch about needing a ventilator, send in her illegal immigrant gardener, dressed like Patch Adams, with an air mattress hand pump.

Some acts you only do once.


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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “I don’t think D-listers cut it”
  1. Kathy Griffin showing “unbearably painful symptoms”?

    What, like your head being slowly sawn off, or something?

    Lessee: North of 399 million people, maybe 1/2-1/3 of whom likely will need to be tested several times in the next, say 6months, and Orange! Man! BAD! Because he couldn’t cough up (dydwidt?), Oh, 500 million tests with all of (let’s be “generous”) 4 months notice?

    Kathy: (1) too bad you feel sick, wash your hands and learn to code.

    (2) I invite you to worship at the altar of the Patron Saint of Fertility. By yourself. And, with yourself.

    1. And re (2), don’t forget to follow the handy (dyswidt?) New York guideline pamphlet…

  2. So, a one joke comedienne goes to a hospital with unspecified “unbearably painful symptoms” and the medical professionals decide her symptoms don’t merit testing for the WuFlu … annnd it’s Pence’s (Trump’s) fault?

  3. My, what short-sighted hubris.

    “I didn’t get tested, therefore nobody is being tested and they are lying about testing!”

    Or, maybe, your symptoms were not indicative of Covid-19 (“unbearably painful” notwithstanding — I don’t believe generalized pain is on the list of corona signs), so testing you would be wasting a perfectly good test that could be used for someone else whose symptoms DO match Covid-19.

    IANAD (I am not a doctor), but in my opinion that “unbearably painful” condition could be caused by the strain to your spine from having your head that far up your @$$.

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