I am so overwhelmed by the absolute hysterical fucking mendacity of what is going on right now I think it will break me.

I think it is breaking America and I’m sure that is the point.

Take this for example.

If you listen to the media, the occupation of America has begun.  Trump is a dictator and it is war on American civilians.


The military took positions protecting American memorials and monuments on Federal land inside Washington DC.  They were ordered there because the Lincoln Memorial and WWII Memorial were vandalized – I would say desecrated – by rioters the previous night.

When you look at the pictures, there wasn’t one single weapon among any soldier deployed to the Lincoln Memorial.


The military was not called in to crack skulls among protestors.  The military was not arresting people.  The military was not going door to door dragging people from their homes for criticizing Trump.  They stood, unarmed, dissuading protesters from defacing federal memorials.

If this is a military occupation than so is the guarding of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.  At least the Old Guard carries guns and live ammo.

Online mentions of defending America’s memorials and monuments against vandalism trickled into how 100% of all the white people doing the damage were in fact Trump-supporting white supremacists engaged in a false flag operation.


Also, how Antifa really are the good just, just like the GI’s who stormed Normandy beach to kill actual Nazis.

I touched on this straw man three years ago.  The character with the Swastika in his head virtually does not exist anymore.  In the United States, it might be a few thousand people.    The reality is that Antifa flag headed guy has decided that anybody to the right of Bernie Sanders is a Swastika wearing, Sieg-Heil-ing Nazi to justify their attacks on middle Americans and gay, Asian, free speech activist reporters.

Their argument is: “we call ourselves anti-Fascists, so anybody we attack is a fascist, the proof that they are a fascist is that we attacked them.”  Nevermind the circular logic of that.

And since they consider themselves the good guys and rioting is suddenly unpopular and not the start of a revolution that takes down Trump the way that they had hoped, all of the rioters are suddenly false flag Trumpers.

The amount of dishonesty going around has reached never before seen levels and I honestly don’t know where we are going to go from here because of it.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “I don’t know how much more the this lying I can take”
  1. This Country is full of people like us. We the People living our lives. Democrat run cities is where these anti brains hang out. If we ignore them and the msm parrots America will get stronger. The real America plods along silently. These morons know if they venture out of the protected areas they will get squashed. Hang tuff-load mags

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