From the Twitter:

Iran has toilet paper during the Coronavirus crisis.

So what?  This is a part of the world where people still bare hand it.  It’s hard to run out of something not everyone is using.

Did you ever wonder why eating or handing things to people with your left hand is considered rude in Muslim culture, the Middle East, and Central Asia?

This really isn’t the burn that he thinks it is.


As a buddy reminded me, it’s most likely that if you are caught panic buying or hoarding in Iran, you are going to catch a 7.62×39 to the back of the skull from the government’s goon squad.


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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “I don’t think so… (updated)”
  1. Iran, a “civilized society?” Is he high??

    Have they stopped treating women like non-people, ended the killing of LGBTXYZ folks, and now tolerate other religions without resorting to beheadings? Did they correct their terrible human rights violations? Have they stopped monetary support to terrorist organizations?

    Did all this happen in Iran overnight and nobody said anything?!?

    Honestly, señor Khani… piss off with your holier-than-thou b.s.

      1. It’s a weird loophole in Islam. The trans people in Iran getting “free” surgery are not trans. They are gay men caught in the act who agree to transition instead of execution.

  2. If sharia decrees your hand cut off for stealing, know which one they cut off? The right one. That way, you are forced to use your “dirty” hand for everything, including social interaction.

  3. There isn’t a toilet in the middle east that does not have some kind of bidet, either built in, a nozzle on a hose, or as a separate unit. Not one.

    TP is for a single, initial dry wipe to get the dngleberries off, nothing more. A family of four could use a single roll of Scotts for about a week, and likely have some left over. The lady of the house probably uses more TP during her makeup routine than the family does for wiping.

    Iran has lots of TP. And… China has lots of rice.

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