Police launch an investigation after three women are filmed twerking on top of a cop car in Chicago

Chicago police are investigating after video of three women twerking on top of a police car went viral over the weekend.

In the footage, which has been viewed almost a million times, a patrol car can be seen driving slowly through a crowd of people while three women twerk on the roof and hood of the vehicle.


You can clearly hear the officer in the passenger seat say “get off the car” as he gestures for them to get down.

This is what happens when the community has neither fear nor respect for the police.

They have neither fear nor respect because they know that the police are more afraid of getting caught on cellphone video being rough with suspects than they are off stuff like this happening.

The conclusion to this investigation should be the police need to be less hamstrung by the Leftist city government and Mayor Beetlejuice to enforce the law.

Instead, these two officers will probably be punished.

Damned if they do, damned if they don’t.

It’s sad because I honestly love Chicago.  The gun laws suck but I loved visiting the nice parts of Chicago when I lived in the suburbs.  Soon there will be no nice parts of Chicago to go visit.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “I feel bad for these two cops because you know what the investigation is going to conclude”
  1. Permanent blue flu. Relocate elsewhere where there is still respect. The good officers will have this choice…leaving the problematic officers still in the exact places that want to defund them so bad. Not like leftists think a day beyond tomorrow with their actions though.

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