By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “I found my platform”
  1. Sec. Buttigieg’s only the “first” because Democrat senators used every parliamentary procedural trick they could to ensure that Richard Grenell never came up for a confirmation vote, leaving him as the “Acting” Director of National Intelligence.

    And let’s be honest, as the “Acting” Director of National Intelligence and before that the the U.S. Ambassador to Germany, Grenell had a hell of a lot more prestigious and influential role in either job than the Secretary of Transportation…

    1. Doesn’t matter. Grenell was conservative so he wasn’t the right type of gay. That’s the beauty of purity tests, they can be construed to reject whomever you want.

      1. He must be one of those multiracial white people. Or multisexual cisheteromale people, I suppose would be the term to apply in this case.

  2. I ll vote for ya IF! you come out as a gay man-turnin- into- woman- non binary- sis gen hetro metro sexy climate change manbun wearin redneck……

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