By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “I found the problem”
  1. Wait a sec. On the top left one, there is what appears to be a guy. I can’t really tell, but it actually looks like two guys. Kind of tough to zoom in close enough to be sure.

    But, what do I know?

  2. While I am sympathetic to parents who end up as single parents due to death or divorce, I’m much less sympathetic to people (usually people who menstruate) consciously choosing single parenthood. I don’t think that it should be celebrated, either. (To re-state, props should be given to parents who keep going under difficult circumstances.)

    1. “I don’t think that it should be celebrated,…”

      Agree 100%. Single parenthood is not something that should be held up as an ideal to strive for. Yet, if you say that, as an opinion, you are accused of hating single moms. They are ‘heroes!’ after all.

      No, the ones that end up as single parents because of untimely death, or unanticipated divorce, or something broke, and they raise kids that are well balanced and productive members of society are the heroes. Simply pumping out a human being without the benefit of another adult is the opposite.

      1. In a souvenir shop once I saw a T-shirt that said “I support single moms” over the silhouette of a pole dancer. My wife told me I couldn’t buy it.

  3. I have two boys in elementary school. I was utterly amazed how quickly I was able to develop a talent for telling which of their classmates were being raised by single moms.

    It wasn’t even something I set out to do. But I’m like 90% accurate at this point

  4. Back in the late 90’s, I worked at a residential program for problem teens, and did a lot of intake paperwork. I can count with one finger the number of kids we had from homes with both parents in the house. Mostly it was just mom, and maybe mom’s current boyfriend.

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