Check the asshole:

In Miami, the second after the taunting idiot in the video raises that stick and challenges the cop, he would have been on the floor licking pavement. That is not Freedom of Speech but a direct threat.

Truthfully this idea of not reacting to Antifa/BLM harassment and attacks is not working. The assholes are not seeing the errors of their way but actually feeling encouraged because there are no repercussions. Every time they confront the cops, they win and get a participation trophy just when like they were in high school. Even if they are arrested (unless is Federal) it is a triumph for them. Check the mugshots and you can see they act like it was a picture for the school paper or the yearbook.

I love this video. You can’t but enjoy cops that only take no crap, but it is actually them taunting the Antifa/BLM to come get some.

Hell,  even the petite female officer’s face is saying “FAFO” (Fuck Around and Find Out). Then again, it is the petites that you really have to be afraid of as they take no crap. And yes, it is over three decades of experience talking.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “I guess it is different policing”
  1. There is good reason I am not a cop.

    You remember the scene from the movie “The Great Escape” when the majority are caught and put in trucks by the Nazis, driven to an open meadow, then let out to “stretch their legs”? There are two other trucks facing away from them. As the prisoners are milling around, the truck flaps are raised exposing the MG-42 machine guns hidden in the trucks, and all the prisoners are gunned down.

    That’s the kind of outcome and what I would like to see a video of. These rioters are scum and I am quite fed up with their antics.

  2. Female officers in SWAT gear, like female drill sergeants, scare me. They try and prove they are not just a weak girly girl to fuck with. They will break you in half to do that.

    By the end of the day she will be wearing some chulo’s asshole as an anklet.

    1. They kind of have to. The female physique on average is not the same as a male’s. Women, especially women in those positions who want to be -respected-, have to earn their spot and work twice as hard to do it.

      This tends to engender a complete lack of patience with bullshit.

  3. “What’s yo name? What’s yo name?”

    My response: “Officer.”

    And if they ask if there’s a last name: “Sir. See that you use it all.”

    1. I suspect the answer that popped into my mind — “Ask your mom” — would be against department policy.

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