Fucking ambulance/Race Card chaser here? Damn it.

Federal authorities should investigate Rutherford County prosecutor John Zimmerman on charges of racially profiling businesses, civil rights attorney Ben Crump said.

“We’re here this morning to ask for the Department of Justice to open a pattern and practice investigation into the allegations that Assistant District Attorney John Zimmerman has discriminatorily targeted minority-owned businesses,” said Crump, who’s representing Free at Last Bail Bonding in Murfreesboro.

Civil rights attorney Ben Crump demands investigation of prosecutor (dnj.com)

I guess fucking up with the Zimmerman in Florida, he is trying his hand at one locally. And I hope the County understand that he is supposed to be shady enough to try tactics that are somewhat underhanded. A lot of his interventions prior to Florida’s Zimmerman trial in the self-defense killing of Trayvon Martin looked like were responsible for the unnecessary trial and outright faux racial animosity developed around it including the birth of BLM.

As for civil rights, I believe he does not care much for unless they come attached with a substantial paycheck and lots of Media time.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “I guess the trash followed me to Tennessee”
  1. So the issue is with a bail bondsman who named his business after a quote from MLK Jr?

    I thought the left hated bail.

  2. When you hire Ben Crump, you are hiring a Demagogue for a lawyer.
    A Loud Demagogue with Law Firm that has a boatload of media synchophants and a huge herd of barking seal followers. He will get your cause out there to a nation wide public, whether it credible or not. But do not ever forget, Ben Crump is all in for Ben Crump, and Ben Crump only. You are only as important as you increase the brand of Ben Crump. He will use you and throw you away.

    He isn’t the only one, remember Gloria Allred and Michael Avenatti?

    Ben crump uses Race; Gloria Allred uses Sex; and Michael Avenatti used Politics.

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