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By J. Kb

12 thoughts on “I hate being proven right in real time”
    1. Go ahead! Tell us you told us so. I’m not going to get an attitude, in fact all your gonna get out of me is a yuuge attaboy. Don’t stop. Sucks to be them Bitchez. The MOAH! the merrier. Nows the time to be relentless. Pull no punches. They are totally vulnerable to the truth of things, naked to the world no media complex can disguise. The point where to jump this shark the fig leaf of legitimacy can’t disguise their true nature, it’s the risk they have to take, the final lung for totalitarian power.
      Their Cee Eye Ay run phony astro-turf orange revolution/regime change operation is an unmitigated disaster that has failed like the Chinks and their North Vietnam proxies Tet Offensive.

      Surprising they didn’t take the wicked witch to the taxidermist and have her stuffed to parade her baby genocide skin suit around on a wheeled coat rack till the 3rd of November.
      Be hard to tell if she was dead as she looked like they pumped her full of formaldehyde to keep her alive the last 4 years. Shit they already parade two Soros proxy sock puppet trojan donkeys with a combined cognitive dissonance IQ rating of 67.
      Biden=pedo is walking early stage zombie brain dead, possibly overdosing him with a transfusion of the same child torture just before death blood they needed to give #BillClintonIsAPedo of The United States wife the last 2 months up-to 11-8-16 to avoid them collapsing from exhaustion on the political circuit. Notice by afternoon basement=troll Joe is stick a fork in him done. The side effects of what they are booting up his arm is causing his brain to vapor lock. You see the same tremors and lack of dexterity/muscle co-ordination in ped=Joe as Merkel and the Mao pantsuit vag, signs cannibals get from human enzymes consuming too much long pork.
      The other an unspeakable Soros State Attorney General Project cock sucking whore of the lowest order who will do anything for the ring of power.
      I smell Soros’s personal evil sorceress, her barren vag in a pantsuit putrid vaginal stench all over everything…

      It gets even better:

      – In war, you must understand the enemies objectives, and before anything else, know what your enemy values most, what it is they hold most precious…pilot to orangemanbad bombardier looks like we are dead nuts centered over the target, pickle that Supreme Court nominee payload motherfukker… bombs away!

      – The dirty stinkin’ commies and traitors in the cesspool by the Potomac are in the process of eliminating the filibuster in preparation for installing their trojan donkeys in the oval office to assure their agenda of Making American A Shithole, MAAS is unimpeded. Puts them in a real pickle, because I think, they have to get rid of the filibuster before the election, it is very important, if they do they will have a very difficult time trying to stop Trump from stacking the deck at the SCOTUS, with LESSER of evils black robed, Nazgal’s.
      I say this, because to my understanding of how our legitimate Republic functions, and for its political health, and its first duty to govern via will of us people, Judicial Activism is a main stay of the strategy of overthrowing our Republic and republican form of governance, and disarming us of Our Rifles and Our Peaceful power of Withdrawal of Our Consent. The only real chance they got to get around their total fail of citizen dis-armament.
      This is Yuuuuge.
      It’s all about guns. It has always been all about guns. As Mao stated all power grows from the barrel of the gun, how The Party must control the gun, never be controlled by guns.
      Everything else is a side show.
      Remember, “All There Is Is Power”
      Rip away the veil of the illusion of legitimacy the yellow media provides and all they got is the threat of, and use of force.
      The proof of that is displayed every day in the same media as mostly peaceful terrorists turning every Soros proxy controlled city and state into 3rd world burned out depopulated shitholes.
      Right out of the marxist ideological farce/neo-bolshevik terrorist tactics handbook.

      3 Scoops, and a cup of hot steaming covfee to wash it down please.

      – A serious clue to how vital the strategy of judicial activism is to the skumbags is revealed in the level of freaking out now that Mr. President Trump is going to successfully change the political makeup of the Supreme Court to create a court that minds it’s constitutional business and stops meddling in every facet of the sphere of our lives by it’s personal political interpretation of The USC, ie, creating a “living constitution”. Remember that? And “I have a phone and a pen”. The glee and smugness the chattering pedo=elites displayed, is now come around to bite them all on the arse. Me likey how they like being on the receiving end of payback is a bitch, Bitchez.
      Denying the amerikan Nomenklatura its prime power, aka “lawfare” to so rule over us, aka, the deep state, ie the pedo=elites, is a dish best served cold. As in a heaping serving of Cold Anger back at you dirty stinkin’ filthy commies.
      Their primal fear of all things traditional American values and codes displayed like in the above tweet “we burn the entire fucking thing down” if we don’t get our way…Whaaah!
      Me thinks poor wittle red diaper babies got full stinky load and need their diapers changed.

      – #Pizzagate is whats going to bring them down. Already the withdrawal of consent of good folks caused by the incredibly stupid strategic asshat=pedo blunder training film release of Cuties has created a tital wave of BFYTW pushback.
      Put it under the dirty stinkin’ filthy commies copy book heading of you made a BIG mistake how mean good folks get when you ruthlessly think violating our codes somehow will make us submit to your pedo=elite ways.
      You all done fucked up. Like a boolit, you can’t take it back either.

      Thought you could burn your sick pervert psychopath power of child sex slave trafficking and child pornography of helpless children into our brains causing us to surrender to your depraved delusions of grandeur?
      Your gonna not live to regret this.
      You gone too far.
      You just freed us from the only thing saving you all’s totally useless ass’s: Our Prudence and your absolutely total lack of it you think grants you special rights, just, because YOU think your right. And your smug power trip to hurt others.
      You all pulled and dropped the pin, and only got the tiger by the tail with one hand. You really fucked up assholes.

      – Then this straight up marxist terrorist mentality, like everything else they do: as in “See what you made us do?” If we can’t rule, we destroy “it”: nobody gets anything if we can’t have total naked raw power over “it”: If we rule with total naked raw power we destroy “it”
      It’s marxist mafia tactics, their version of the offer you can’t refuse.

      Where they go wrong is we have guns, lots of guns, they can only win the rhetorical war, the political aspect of their 4th G war they are waging.
      What they fail to take into account is Our Culture is upstream of all politics, exactly because we are armed to the fucking teeth, AND, Our Withdrawal of Our Consent, which is critical to their success, because they still must ast the very least maintain at the least an illusion of legitimacy. This last is why in part they are using blm terrorists, and their yellow media assets, to create this illusion they are “legitimate” legal protestation, or in the minimum there is a form of tacit consent supporting their terrorism.
      It’s actually not much different than musloid based terrorism. Only the false narratives have been changed.

      What I believe it all boils down to is the great pickle they painted themselves behind, they can’t escape and eliminate.
      We are an Armed Society. This is the roots and crux of our history, the center of our culture revolves around our natural primal right to arms, property we own outright, Unalienable things which is integral to our codes as free self determining people, what made our founding as an armed civilization possible.

      – Because we are an Armed Society, Our power of Our Consent, specifically withdrawal of Our consent, for them and their illicit illegitimate unconstitutional destructive power, they need ways to get in around behind us without creating the worlds largest small unit infantry tactics armed to it’s teeth army with a bone in those teeth coming for them. In other words, Armed unstoppable merciless Nemesis.
      It’s a tiny wire. They are up there balancing and juggling all these bullshit monkey tricks hoping they get across the chasm of illegitimacy to the other side without being exterminated by a nation of really pissed off armed to the fucking teeth shitlords. Or get across before all hell breaks loose and hopefully have enough power and resources once they grab the brass ring of raw naked power to hurt.
      The Clinton regime and the obamamites used their power to hurt, the power to betray power granted, while hiding behind those protections they deny us.
      The point where good government and Rule of Law must be set aside so good folks can fight this ultimate evil are upon us good folks.
      We do not take this lightly, nor for frivolous reasons do we set aside these protections, this is Our prudent purview, basis in part of Our cultural codes and nature, yet when our enemy abuses and betrays the inherent trust thereof, exactly like how they violate and enslave our children sexually, just who exactly are the real slave masters here?
      And in what universe is it ever wrong to go after such monsters of depravity with whatever tools and instruments of Warr, and kill them all, particularly when their ultimate objective is to exterminate us good folks exactly because we are the only thing in their way?

      What freaks-out these total fucking skumbags is our clear unstoppable potential, our LAWFUL will to defend ourselves and resistance to tyranny, the rightful vengeance to deny them those protections they hide behind they deny us yet use to protect themselves from our peaceful legitimate wrath.
      Ah, excuse me, those protections are there to protect only the legitimate. As in protecting the blessings of Liberty and her sister ordered Liberty, from exactly what you are. Those protections have a built in hidden defense, which legitimize Our use of Our Rifles the instant they are abused by tyrants.

      For a bunch of dead white racists and slave owners our colonial era white domestic terrorists forefathers where pretty sharp regarding how sneaky and cunning tyrants are and their ways of pulling the wool over we the peoples eyes.

      This: Crazy Fucked Up Insane Wacky Water Weasel Double Standard is really a matter of you reap what you sow.

      Pedo=elites wanted to “fundamentally transform America”?
      Careful what you wish for skum. Your existential mistake is you unintentionally have provided us good folks with the tools and motive power, the audacity, to fundamentally transform America into something that meets our will for first MAGA then making America greater.

      We already Won. What’s left is the clean-up.Nasty business. Potentially ugly brutal bloody business. But this is our legacy as dirt people. There is and never has been anyone else who can do this. We, ourselves, are the ones we have been waiting for to save us. That is a beautiful thing. Look what it already created. The greatest place on Earth. It only gets better, no matter how bad things look, our blessing is nothing is ever so bad it ain’t good for something even better. Thats a truly American thing. Its in our bones. We are born with this.
      This is why, “We Leave Our Cause To GOD And Our Rifles” why Don’t Step On Sneke, why BFYTW.

  1. I can’t see McConnell saying this without knowing he’s got the votes to make it stick. Which is… interesting, considering the Vichy RINOs (Murkowski, etc) are lining up to vote no.

    I wonder if the dumpster fire that was the Kavanaugh hearings has made some Democrats less likely to vote in lockstep with Crazy Nancy?

    1. If I were Mitch I’d gather all the republican senators in a room and say: “if you don’t vote or vote no to confirm Trump’s nominee, I will personally doc dump all the dirt we have on you, expose all the skeletons we know about, and make sure any lobbying firm or government contractor that hires you knows they will never get a no-bid contract as long as you live. This is war and I will burn traitors.”

      1. Collins and Murkowski already said they will not support a nominee before the election. (What a surprise…) I am actually surprised that Romney has not joined them.


    2. I wonder if the dumpster fire that was the Kavanaugh hearings has made some Democrats less likely to vote in lockstep with Crazy Nancy?

      Nope, they voted in lockstep to impeach Trump over a phone call. Hell If he appoints a replacement for Ginsberg, and wins the election, they’ll will try to impeach him prior to inauguration day.

  2. Right, that’s a winning strategy for the Democrats for sure – ratchet up the violence and rioting even more. Roughly 30% of the country is probably ok with that, with the previous violence, with unending lockdowns, if it means taking down Trump. The remaining 70% is sick of being under constant threat and essentially being held hostage to emotionally unstable lunatics.

  3. I wonder if Mr. Aslan’s attorney is familiar with the phrase, “incitement to riot”?

    I wonder if there is a federal nexus?

    I wonder if, after Mr. Rittenhouse and Mr. Danielson’s experiences, have “the rules of engagement” changed?

    If one is going to go down after a reasonable DGU, why not make it into “the killing fields”, as Aesop pondered in his essay, Tomorrow”? After the first one, it seems, the rest might as well be free, or so I’ve heard.

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